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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crystal Bearers cancelled?

sc94597 said:
There is absolutely no info on this game other than the videos from almost 2 years ago. It was said to be still in developement in one of the previews of RoF, but that was almost half a year ago. Do you believe the game is cancelled?

If you would do a little research before posting inane topics, you would realize that Square-Enix confirmed that this title was still in development, recently.


You shouldn't post things that are relatively easy to look up for yourself. 

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sc94597 said:
sc94597 said:
Viper1 said:
No, not canceled at all. Just because we don't know anything new doesn't mean we should jump to the most dire conclusion.

What new do we know about FFXIII, FFXIII VS, etc...? Do you assume they to are canceled?

No because they were announced to be shown more at the square enix party, and they are mmore important games to square enix.

@akuma That is for unnanounced games. I expect some more information on games already announced even before the wii was known to be a success.

@ Benkenobi


 We've seen more of VS, we have yet to see anything more than the initial media of FFXIII. 

SE will release additional stuff for FFXIII when they're ready...same goes for FFCC:CB.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ZenfoldorVGI said:
sc94597 said:
There is absolutely no info on this game other than the videos from almost 2 years ago. It was said to be still in developement in one of the previews of RoF, but that was almost half a year ago. Do you believe the game is cancelled?

If you would do a little research before posting inane topics, you would realize that Square-Enix confirmed that this title was still in development, recently.


You shouldn't post things that are relatively easy to look up for yourself. 

Actually the latest I've seen it mentioned in developement was early march, and that article seems to just be a translation of an even older one.

@Benkenobi  They won't drop a main series FF, and even if it was a plausable idea they already mentioned the game willl be shown at the square enix party, meaning it's still in developement. 


Dragon Quest 9 canned confirmed?


vdoesntforgive said:
Dragon Quest 9 canned confirmed?

 Because Dragon Quest=FFCC in terms of importance? Anyway the game was confirmed to still be in developement last month so I wouldn't worry. 

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So you're saying, because DQ is a more "important" series than CC, CC is most likely canned by now?

CC was confirmed to still be in developement 3 months ago. I don't see what the big issue is.


vdoesntforgive said:
So you're saying, because DQ is a more "important" series than CC, CC is most likely canned by now?

CC was confirmed to still be in developement 3 months ago. I don't see what the big issue is.

 No the translation was made 3 months ago. That article came a year before. I'm saying that I'm not saying FFXIII and DQIX aren't canned because they most likely won't be while there is a higher risk of FFCC being canned. 

Listen to what you're saying for a second...

Are you willing to believe that they purposely translated that post knowing that the game had been canned?

If you believe that, well then, more power to you.


The developers of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King refused to comment when asked about the status of the Crystal Bearers project at the Game Developers Conference of February 2008, stating only that the public should "wait for a press release".[2] In March 2008, an official advertising article about Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates noted that the Nintendo DS installment "sets the stage" for The Crystal Bearers.[3]


That's straight from wikipedia. How the hell do you get "Crystal Bearers cancelled?" from that? Why don't you just back out of this post now, and let it die, because you've obviously made a mistake. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


vdoesntforgive said:
Listen to what you're saying for a second...

Are you willing to believe that they purposely translated that post knowing that the game had been canned?

If you believe that, well then, more power to you.
Because the article was mainly about Ring of Fates and if it was written when Crystal Bearers was still in developement, and then it got cancelled, would they not translate an article about a game that is coming the same month because it refers to a cancelled game?


@Zenfolder WIkipedia?  The article they were referring to was a year old article. Check on page one Dark Prince shows it.