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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crystal Bearers cancelled?

AAA games would do much better on xbox360 or on playstation3

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toastboy44562 said:
AAA games would do much better on xbox360 or on playstation3

 Go troll somewhere else. 

@akuma While the wii is based of the gameucube in architecture design it is very different in some ways. Most developers didn't even push the gamecube and used it's tev units and such to and advantage. So yes it would be just as hard to develop for the wii as a new console. 

Remember Nintendo's non-disclosure policy... They tend to keep their mouths shut when games are being developed. Just because nothing's been said, doesn't mean it's cancelled.

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kylohk said:
Remember Nintendo's non-disclosure policy... They tend to keep their mouths shut when games are being developed. Just because nothing's been said, doesn't mean it's cancelled.

 That has nothing to do with 3rd parties.

toastboy44562 said:
AAA games would do much better on xbox360 or on playstation3

And tell me what AAA games from third parties are available on Wii?

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akuma587 said:
Viper1 said:

And if you are correct, what the hell is the point of developing on the Wii then if it offers no comparative advantage in terms of development time and, for a AAA game, not as much advantage in terms of cost-cutting as one would expect?

 I'm...not completely certain about what you're getting at, but if I do understand you correctly then the point is that Wii development time and costs are still much lower than those of the HD consoles, i.e. the other viable consoles. That's what matters, no?

^The comparative advantage argument seems to be used many times these days. The problem is, why must PS360 and Wii development be mutually exclusive?

It's becoming apparent that developing for the Wii as well generates significantly greater profit than not doing so. It's a matter of A + B >> A, not A > B.

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toastboy44562 said:
AAA games would do much better on xbox360 or on playstation3

Whether it's intentional or not, that is trolling and this is your only warning. There really was just no need for that comment.  Don't do that.

akuma587 said:
Viper1 said:

No, not canceled at all. Just because we don't know anything new doesn't mean we should jump to the most dire conclusion.

What new do we know about FFXIII, FFXIII VS, etc...? Do you assume they to are canceled?


@Akuma. Consider how long big budget titles took to develop last generation. Same will apply to Wii. If this doesn't make sense to you now, my apologies.

So the development time of a PS2 game last gen when it was "new tech" is comparable to developing for the Wii this gen when it is "old tech" and when "developers are already supposed to have experience with the infrastructure"? That makes a whole hell of a lot of sense...especially considering that FF: Crystal Chronicles was made on the GC, so they should be able to recycle a significant amount of code.

And if you are correct, what the hell is the point of developing on the Wii then if it offers no comparative advantage in terms of development time and, for a AAA game, not as much advantage in terms of cost-cutting as one would expect?

Then my apologies because you either just can't comprehend the matter or refuse to accept it.  Worse yet you could be intentionally twisting things to discredit the Wii's advantages.


@ sc94597.
Sadly it has not been confirmed but I'm under great usspicion of such because it would answer many questions such as the one posed in this very thread.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

This game went from being kiddy crap,to being a game that would finally start being normal using an old graphics engine that sucked ass and showed everyone that they couldn't even get high end GC graphics on the Wii.
This coupled with the fact that the games direction might have changed no less than 2 times from Nov to Jan. as well as now getting Crystal Tools to work so they can finally get graphics that could be finally considered above GC on the Wii.

SE is in shit.We have no idea how this game will be when it's out.
This game might be canceled with a replacement on the way which would than mean that the new game would have been in planning and not even developed yet.

For SE fans on the Wii there is no worry,a big game will be released even if it isn't this one.

Since most people didn't even bother to do proper research on Nintendo I'll let you in on something that has third parties scared shitless in Japan.

Back in 2005 Nintendo in the sly way that they hint things when interpreted correctly went on to say that if big third parties don't put their big franchises on their system their franchises might very well die like those before them when the next gen comes out.

I personally hate SE and hope that FFXIII stays on the PS3/HD consoles while other smaller third parties spam RPGs on the Wii in response.
SE has a lot of other content based on the new FF universe in other media.
Disrupt one and everything will soon begin to crumble.No brand power can survive this.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.