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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Final Fantasy is the best?

Tactics Advance
III (DS remake)
Crystal Chronicles (The first one, on Gamecube)
I (GBA remake, the original is unplayable nowadays)
XII: Revenant Wings

Those are the ones I've played in order of preference.

I haven't yet played, but plan on playing:
II (GBA remake. Again, the original is unplayable now)
Crisis Core: FF VII

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Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

CrazzyMan said:

FFVII was first for me. =)

It seems like most of the final fantasy fans who love 7 are final fantasy noobs who didn't play the best final fantasy games.

Final Fantasy 1 was a religious experience for me. The map, the monster chart, the story, the freedom, the setting. It was all amazing. At the time, it was one of my favorite gaming experiences. I played it for something like 17 hours straight, and when you are very young, that's a lot.

Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6 were vastly improved in almost every way. They had better stories, better battles, better everything. Fantastic games.

And then Final Fantasy 7. Your character was a pussy sitting in the middle of some high school melodrama love triangle. I tried so hard to get behind it and enjoy the game. I played through the first two CDs, got to this shitty snowboarding minigame and quit.  And when characters died, I'd laugh.  It was over the top -- I was supposed to care about her?  I don't.

To a large extent Final Fantasy games are about living an experience. And if your character is impossible to emphatize with, what do you have?

The top contenders IMO, are VII, IV, and IX. A lot of people like VI, but I have to admit that I really didn't enjoy VI all that much, although the variety of the different characters was definitely a plus.

I lean towards VII, but IX is pretty damn good too. In terms of sales, popularity, and probably even reviews, VII is the best.

Final Fantasy: Tactics is not in the main series, but it definitely deserves consideration for being the top title as well. 

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

Kasz216 said:
Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

And Disgaea crushes both without even trying... ^_^

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Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
memory2zack said:
I played it on PC on 1998 and compared it to other games back then and found that it had good graphics.

The PC version had updated graphics.(to mu knowledge. People actually had fingers I hear.) Try playing the original PS1 version.

No, the PC version has the same graphics as the PS1 but mods were released later to add several visual enhancements to the game.

 In that case i'm baffled.  REALLY baffled when comparing it to PC games of the time.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

And Disgaea crushes both without even trying... ^_^



In story for sure. Gameplay, i'm not as sure. Disgaea's gameplay gets old... at least for me.  I think it's because the characters aren't nearly varied enough.

Kasz216 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

And Disgaea crushes both without even trying... ^_^



In story for sure. Gameplay, i'm not as sure. Disgaea's gameplay gets old... at least for me.

Meh, Final Fantasy Tactics was a painful game for me to play overall.  The story was utter garbage; I didn't care about a single character by the end of it.  The battles themselves become boring once you realized that half the classes were unnecessary and a few pretty much obliterated the rest by comparison.  Plus Disgaea's (2's at least) lifting mechanic and geo panels made the battles much much more interesting than anything Tactics ever did.

The only thing Disgaea didn't do was place emphasis on height which I'm hoping number 3 does (if I ever get to play it that is). 

Battle graphics and animations were great in FFVII, just like in all psone FFs. In the overworld and close-ups, the characters graphics were so-so. But by no means were the graphics horrible. I would say of inconsistent quality, but definitely not bad for an early PS1 game. I also played the PS1 version later on, it was slightly worse graphically. If I would compare it to Diablo, Diablo II and Fallout graphics, it would be slightly worse overall with lower resolutiion, but in some areas better. But anyway, these PC games were isometric, so they can´t be directly compared graphically and visually.


edit: About Disgaea, its one of the most stupid games I ever played.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

And Disgaea crushes both without even trying... ^_^



In story for sure. Gameplay, i'm not as sure. Disgaea's gameplay gets old... at least for me.

Meh, Final Fantasy Tactics was a painful game for me to play overall. The story was utter garbage; I didn't care about a single character by the end of it. The battles themselves become boring once you realized that half the classes were unnecessary and a few pretty much obliterated the rest by comparison. Plus Disgaea's (2's at least) lifting mechanic and geo panels made the battles much much more interesting than anything Tactics ever did.

The only thing Disgaea didn't do was place emphasis on height which I'm hoping number 3 does (if I ever get to play it that is).

Haf the classes were useless but at least they were different. You could change up the battles however you want if you didn't want to Dance and Math everyone to death.

With Disgaea their was almost no difference in anything, all the physical weapons were similar and not very diverse... you got few special attacks, and everyone got basically the same ones. There really weren't any kind of status effects.

The monsters were cool, but they were so limited they were somewhat worthless as well.

Disgea 2 was better then Disgaea 1 though.... at least they somewhat evened up the weapons unlike Disgaea 1 where swords ruled all.

I keep hoping they'll put the Phantom Brave system in Disgaea. That game had waaaay more attacks , weapons and different kinds of weapons and pulled it all off awesomely.

Too bad the story was the weakest i've seen from NIS... and i've played a lot of NIS games.