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Kasz216 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:
Ah right... Tactics Advance. That goes right above FFT for me. The gameplay was a little more solid, and a lot more challenging due to rules.

The story was better though a bit childish.

The only problem was you'd get way too many cards, more then what you knew what to do with.

And Disgaea crushes both without even trying... ^_^



In story for sure. Gameplay, i'm not as sure. Disgaea's gameplay gets old... at least for me.

Meh, Final Fantasy Tactics was a painful game for me to play overall.  The story was utter garbage; I didn't care about a single character by the end of it.  The battles themselves become boring once you realized that half the classes were unnecessary and a few pretty much obliterated the rest by comparison.  Plus Disgaea's (2's at least) lifting mechanic and geo panels made the battles much much more interesting than anything Tactics ever did.

The only thing Disgaea didn't do was place emphasis on height which I'm hoping number 3 does (if I ever get to play it that is).