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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would a FFVII remake be exclusive to the PS3?

There's also the fact that remaking that particular game would be a terrible idea and a waste of time - the only thing that would need to be updated would be the character/monster models & animations.

If they were to try and redo those beautifully painted / rendered backgrounds in real time 3D, they wouldn't look as good as they do now. Unless they spent RETARDED amounts of money and time on them. We'd probably be talking as much if not more than the most expensive game to produce out right now.

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Well it wouldn't sell very well on the Wii because all the Nintendo fanboys hate FF after number VI

Probably a PS3 exclusive if it comes out this generation.

A FFVII remake for the PS3, sounds like a good idea.
How about a Halo: Combat Evolved HD remake for the XBox 360?

A sims remake on the 360?

FFVII remake will either come on one system that they are looking to target specifically, or it will come on all of them.


1) No
2) Wii
3) Because the game can actually be improved on that platform.

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I dont think that they will make FF7 and I dont want them to make it either.


It would make sens to go to PS3... FF7 was on PS1 after all. Sony should moneyhat it to prevent it from going multiplat but... SE doesn't usually seem to make many multi play games.

1. Yes

2. PS3

3. Because the original tech demo for a FFVII remake was made for the ps3 (and the trailer that came with CC:FFVII for the PSP was even more detailed than the tech demo), and it seems like most fans simply want a graphics upgrade (a hefty graphics upgrade, judging by the drooling of fans over the tech demo), rather than a controls upgrade, which would fit perfectly on the ps3. Plus, FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII would convince just about every FF fan out there to get a ps3, garnering more sales for all three, imo.

It could go multiplat ps3/360, but it would sell 8+ mil. regardless of platform, so it's by no means necessary or guaranteed.

Hell, even I'd buy it, and I've never played a FF (I just bought FFX, but haven't started it yet).

1, Doubtful

2, Wii or DS

3, It would be Sqaures homecoming to Nintendo after their split from the n64 to ps1.


1) Definitely
2)Not on the Wii, DS, PSP. Either PS3 or HD multiplatform (including the possibility of a PC port).
3) because of demand and in order to close the FFVII compilation the best way possible, with a remake of the game that spawned the compilation in the first place.