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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just got a Sega Saturn ^.^

noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:

noname2200 said:

Hawkeye said:

mike_intellivision said:



Sounds like an 80 hour game. Should be worth $75 then since its 2-d (which I like) and an SRPG.

I know what you mean about almost an illness. I got that way with Fire Emblem (GBA) and FFTA (GBA) sunk 200-300 hours into those games... each. Almost got that way with fire emblem path of radience, but suddenly the game ended and the EXTREMELY lame ended killed any desier to replay. Fire Emblem sacred stones and raidiant dawn wern't as good... Radiant dawns story was precasroius to start, and soon spiraled outa control before crashing 2/3 through the game imo.

Ah, a fellow addict, eh? I think we'll get along quite well...And I understand what you mean about Tactics Advance. That game, and the original, have both had me play them for over two hundred hours each. A man should not be able to tell you all the abilities of each class in either game off the top of his head. But I can...

Did you complete all 300 missions? I got stuck at like mission 24x and needed an ingreidant I tossed so i restarted and saved that ingrediant and got to like 270... then I was missing something else. That game is great becuase I didn't want to stop till I maxed every ability I could, which took a while :D Lol I would stay up till 3 in the morning playing Fire Emblem and FFTA on my gba. Those 2 games, along with an MMORPG taught me how to control my gaming though- don't play mmorpgs, and if you really really love a game, don't play it for more than 3 hours a day, and no more than 1 hour a day when you have lots of work to do.

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What do you guys think of my list of Sega Saturn games? (end of page 1)
Any duds, or games I am missing, or "too expensive" games that I should buck up and buy?

Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:

noname2200 said:

Hawkeye said:

mike_intellivision said:



Did you complete all 300 missions? I got stuck at like mission 24x and needed an ingreidant I tossed so i restarted and saved that ingrediant and got to like 270... then I was missing something else. That game is great becuase I didn't want to stop till I maxed every ability I could, which took a while :D Lol I would stay up till 3 in the morning playing Fire Emblem and FFTA on my gba. Those 2 games, along with an MMORPG taught me how to control my gaming though- don't play mmorpgs, and if you really really love a game, don't play it for more than 3 hours a day, and no more than 1 hour a day when you have lots of work to do.

 Since we're getting sidetracked, I'll just PM you. As for your list, Shining Force is a damn good game, but you're probably not going to find it for a reasonable price anytime soon. Personally, I've just been waiting for a remake, or for a re-release on Live or PSN, although with each passing day my hopes grow a little more dim. Blazing Heroes and Astal are both worth it at those prices, Virtua Cop 2 isn't as good as part 1 (although when I played 2 I was sort of burnt out on light-gun games, so your mileage may vary), and you should definitely skip Sonic 3D Blast. Apart from that, I haven't played any of the games on your list, but I know Disolitude's a fairly big Saturn fan, so you should listen to the man.

disolitude said:
I really hope saturn emulation picks up soon. Thats one thing that will make me buy a PSP again...
Otherwise, congrats on your purchase. I still suggest modding it to play all those games you want cause it will cost you way too much otherwise. If the saturn you bought has round buttons instead of the oval ones, its moddable.

I don't think the PSP will ever be able to emulate the saturn. The original Xbox wasn't powerful enough so I doubt the PSP would be.

If your up for the disc-swap trick then:

Bodhesatva said:

No Radiant Silvergun :(

Lots of other winners in there, though.

 Picked that up for $19.95 when the chain game stores in the US were selling import games.

I have 30-40 import titles, plus all the domestic ones.

I can tell you that the RPGs were excellent if you are into that kind of thing.


Mike from Morgantown 


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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mike_intellivision said:
Bodhesatva said:

No Radiant Silvergun :(

Lots of other winners in there, though.

Picked that up for $19.95 when the chain game stores in the US were selling import games.

I have 30-40 import titles, plus all the domestic ones.

I can tell you that the RPGs were excellent if you are into that kind of thing.


Mike from Morgantown

 I am particullarly interested in dragon force. Is that worth buying for $50-$90?