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Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:

noname2200 said:

Hawkeye said:

mike_intellivision said:



Did you complete all 300 missions? I got stuck at like mission 24x and needed an ingreidant I tossed so i restarted and saved that ingrediant and got to like 270... then I was missing something else. That game is great becuase I didn't want to stop till I maxed every ability I could, which took a while :D Lol I would stay up till 3 in the morning playing Fire Emblem and FFTA on my gba. Those 2 games, along with an MMORPG taught me how to control my gaming though- don't play mmorpgs, and if you really really love a game, don't play it for more than 3 hours a day, and no more than 1 hour a day when you have lots of work to do.

 Since we're getting sidetracked, I'll just PM you. As for your list, Shining Force is a damn good game, but you're probably not going to find it for a reasonable price anytime soon. Personally, I've just been waiting for a remake, or for a re-release on Live or PSN, although with each passing day my hopes grow a little more dim. Blazing Heroes and Astal are both worth it at those prices, Virtua Cop 2 isn't as good as part 1 (although when I played 2 I was sort of burnt out on light-gun games, so your mileage may vary), and you should definitely skip Sonic 3D Blast. Apart from that, I haven't played any of the games on your list, but I know Disolitude's a fairly big Saturn fan, so you should listen to the man.