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Forums - Sales Discussion - How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by next week?

Skeeuk said:
its good to see a 299 console outsell a 159 console.

 isn't the 360 outselling the ps3 in the uk. I assume you are using british pounds.


OT: i think after the mgs4 hype dies down, the ps3 will outsell the 360 by about 30-40k untill the next big games for the 360 come out, like Too Human and Fable 2.


I'm trying to think how much the ps3 will outsell the 360 next week and i'm going to go with 100k tops.

Around the Network

1. 100k or so
2. they will both sell about the same, posibly the PS3 will sell less
3. No, no game can do that for PS3

- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by WW next week?


- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by one month from next week? (Edit: I mean for that one week)


- Will the PS3 sell more than the Wii next month?

Not a chance.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

I believed the PS3 would catch the 360 but years bc I thought it would be at 299 by now. Since it still costs 399 per console, MGS4 wont give that much of a boost. Its just too much money. At 299, I think it would easily pull over 400k WW this week, especially with Europe buying up so many consoles this generation.

But its just not realistic that this will put the PS3 and and huge levels. It will beat the 360 handily of course, but that been the story almost all year. Just like I said when the 360 was beating the PS3, the PS3 beating a dead 360 right now isnt anything amazing. It needs a price drop for any of this to matter.

1. 150k
2. 40k
3. No

Around the Network
Starmistkarmic said:
1. 20K(that's two zero, didn't mean to type 200.)
2. -10K
3. The PS3 won't beat the Wii in sales until Nintendo has sold it's 6 billionth Wii(100% market saturation!)

I figured I'd play devil's advocate. My reasoning lies in the US economy sputtering. That $$$ difference between the 360 and the PS3 will be the dealbreaker no matter what game comes out. Gas just hit $4 a gallon and the only sectors that added jobs were the low paying McJobs sectors. My credibility doesn't exist and I'm a 'tard anyway with these predictions, so I'll go with the longshot.

 Bold- nuff said

I'm only guessing but

1. 150,000

2.45,000-60,000 Reintroduction of 80gb with MGS in the bundle still a factor later in the month 

MikeB said:
starcraft said:
MikeB said:
@ starcraft

Like I said before once MGS4 hits I don't see much chance of the 360 outselling the PS3 worldwide again. However the 360 still has millions XBox fans in North America and Europe who still haven't upgraded towards the 360, this despite nearly all popular XBox games already received sequels (only Fable 2 and the multi-platform game Starwars remaining, coming out this year and there's GeOW 2, so this year should still be fine overall).

Platformers have definitely become niche.

I also think its safe to say the "only people that buy 360's are Xbox owners" argument has passed with the 360 receiving just as big (little) a boost from GTAIV as the PS3 along with this news:


New Super Mario Bros sold over 14 million copies, that's more than Halo 3 and Gears combined.

Nobody is saying "only" XBox owners buy 360s. I actually made a point that I expect lots of people to upgrade still, the entry pricing and games library probably isn't the issue. Apart from the shitty reliability the 360 also seems a much nicer console than the uglier and bulkier original box.

I do think when most these people upgraded, saturation will slowly start to kick in and I don't expect much from the 360 saleswise in 2009.

I'm pretty sure I remember you saying the same about 2008.

As for New Super Mario Brothers?  I think we can safely say people's portable tastes differ substantially from home console tastes.  In any case, wouldn't the mainstay Mario platformer of the DS conform to being the dominator of the niche of platformers?

So far the only three platformers of this gen have released to awesome, disappointing, decent and mediocre sales respectively for SMG, R&C, Viva Pinata and Kameo.  It shouldbe noted that R & C received some EU bundling, and Viva Pinata received a substantial amount of bundling worldwide.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts may be the final chance to see if non-Mario/Nintendo platformers can do well on home consoles without being bundled. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@ starcraft

MikeB wrote:

I do think when most these people upgraded, saturation will slowly start to kick in and I don't expect much from the 360 saleswise in 2009.


I'm pretty sure I remember you saying the same about 2008.

MikeB back in early January 2008 stated on VGChartz:

The biggest worry may be that the XBox 360 userbase hasn't expanded much from mainly upgrading XBox fans (a platform lacking software support for years). So this additional positive effect will see its end soon enough (probably for 2009 this will be almost neglectable), I think this year will be the 360's last OK year, but the best years are already in the past.

IMO that's pretty consistent with what I stated here.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ starcraft

I'm pretty sure I remember you saying the same about 2008.

Please add some quotes, before the above comment I do remember discussions from mid 2007. A quarrel with a 360 fan VGChartz moderator, who disliked my prediction that the PS3 would outsell the 360 over the 2007 holiday season and would outsell the 360 in 2008.

According to VGChartz data I was correct and official data show:

- Microsoft sold 4.3 million 360s worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, making it 7.3 million in total for the year.
- Sony sold 4.9 million PS3 worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, totalling 8.83 million for the year.

The person had some beef with the non-specific nature of my sales comments, mostly highlighting milestones such as the release of Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, price drops or slimline PS3. But IMO getting too specific becomes more like pure speculation.

What if I said the PS3 would sell great in June 2008 back in mid 2007, this while Konami may have delayed the launch to July (if correct the prediction would IMO be just pure luck)? Too many milestone factors to take into acccount which aren't set in stone, but the general outlook and trends are much more credible to comment on based on known information.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Well, like some people say, it will come down on availability. But if there is enough to be sold.

1) normal estimate: 100K optimistic: 150k
2) after E3 with some nice surprises by Sony (hopefully) WW 50k-70K
3) No, Wii is unstoppable, sales will only drop when there are enough available, it seems.