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@ starcraft

I'm pretty sure I remember you saying the same about 2008.

Please add some quotes, before the above comment I do remember discussions from mid 2007. A quarrel with a 360 fan VGChartz moderator, who disliked my prediction that the PS3 would outsell the 360 over the 2007 holiday season and would outsell the 360 in 2008.

According to VGChartz data I was correct and official data show:

- Microsoft sold 4.3 million 360s worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, making it 7.3 million in total for the year.
- Sony sold 4.9 million PS3 worldwide in the last quarter of 2007, totalling 8.83 million for the year.

The person had some beef with the non-specific nature of my sales comments, mostly highlighting milestones such as the release of Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, price drops or slimline PS3. But IMO getting too specific becomes more like pure speculation.

What if I said the PS3 would sell great in June 2008 back in mid 2007, this while Konami may have delayed the launch to July (if correct the prediction would IMO be just pure luck)? Too many milestone factors to take into acccount which aren't set in stone, but the general outlook and trends are much more credible to comment on based on known information.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales