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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The World Ends With You Gotta-collect-em-all


For those needing a few pointers to help collect all the pins.

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Yes, the pokemon catch-em-all syndrome.
I am at around 2/3 of the 304 pins, LOL.

Hey I clicked your link and it took me to a Domain checking site...and I'm lost as to what I'm supposed to do. Is the link broken or something?

Also, what game is this? xD


EDIT: Uaaahhhhh never mind, I see. I just had to click on the PIN link.  Now I just have to figure out what this is all about. =P

Be honest, how's the game like and what kind of game is it? I haven't got it as I thought: another average DS game from S.E. which turns out to be overrated.

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The game is very good. It is one of thier best games in a long time. The story is good, the music is great and the battle system is wonderful. You must get this if you are and rpg fan.

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*~Onna76~* said:
Be honest, how's the game like and what kind of game is it? I haven't got it as I thought: another average DS game from S.E. which turns out to be overrated.

Let's see. 

What's in the game,

- Pins collection (pokemon catch-em-all kind of collecting)
- Stylus combat (you can customize a lot here. depending on what kind of stylus moment you like best)
- Dual screen combat (If you're that good, you could control 2 screens. Which I am not, doh.)
- evolution

Well, see Naz's review here,

*~Onna76~* said:
Be honest, how's the game like and what kind of game is it? I haven't got it as I thought: another average DS game from S.E. which turns out to be overrated.

It's a great game, but I do have a few issues (very minor overall but if you get infuriated by any of it this game may push you limits):

- Text heavy: boy is this game text heavy, story is decent and dialogue is quite well written but I want to spend more time in control then having to push the A button to speed up the text

- Stylus control aren't perfect: Pins require you to make certain stylus movements to activate them, sometimes when you have two pins that share similar stylus movements the game gets confused. Thankfully, there is an order system in which certain pins get priority over others in terms of which one gets activated when they share a similar action

- RPG stereo-types a plenty: Main hero is an emo loner, Main girl turns him, brooding tough guy that turns out to be a softy at heart, smartass that seems to know more then his letting on, each bad guy is a stereotype. I don't hate the characters at all, I really like most of them, but that doesn't change the fact that their personality traits have been treaded on before

- Length: Not a particularly long game, particularly for an RPG (even though it's action-RPG), but it's forgiveable because it's a handheld game AND because it's not ridiculously short.

I'm a huge fan of this game, and I think it's well worth a pick up, the issues I stated above are for those who are either very picky OR have distinct hatred for any of the above, I would recommend picking up with caution.

It's short if you just plow through easy mode.
It'll take you a year if you want to completely collect all Pins.

Once you finish the game (story mode), you can replay any part of the game again, and you can hold L+R to speed through the text heavy speeches.

One of the things I really liked was after you finish the game you can go back to each day and get more back story (if you fulfill all the requirements) IMO this beats new game + or a hidden dungeon (which it has one, but its small).

And on the pin movements, you would have to be really picky. They have that priority system (if similar action, pin at front of deck activates first) AND the sub pin system (sub pins can only be activated while L is pressed, non sub pins cannot be activated while L is pressed. You set pins as sub in the menu).

The game does not have a timer that records your gameplay (that I saw) but to get all the story info and the cool pins it will take awhile. And, if you must get 100% you will need a guide and loooooots of time :P

Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS