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One of the things I really liked was after you finish the game you can go back to each day and get more back story (if you fulfill all the requirements) IMO this beats new game + or a hidden dungeon (which it has one, but its small).

And on the pin movements, you would have to be really picky. They have that priority system (if similar action, pin at front of deck activates first) AND the sub pin system (sub pins can only be activated while L is pressed, non sub pins cannot be activated while L is pressed. You set pins as sub in the menu).

The game does not have a timer that records your gameplay (that I saw) but to get all the story info and the cool pins it will take awhile. And, if you must get 100% you will need a guide and loooooots of time :P

Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS