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Forums - Sales Discussion - Interesting video game research from Japan

halil23 said:
To xbox boys who don't understand why xbox line up < PS3 line up

Like what ils411 said,
"ffxiii alone, the ps3's jrpg lineup>>>>>>x360 jrpg line up."

How??? FF13 sales >>>> all of xbox jrpg line up combine.
Even if xbox had 50 jrpgs, they still lose!

They're try to buy out everything (cough* monopolizing OS *cough) but unfortunately it does no good.
That why M$ need to get out of Japan and then later on Others too.
They remind me of EA, hence my sig.

Even without FF, PS3 jrpg is still and always be superior to the xbox. Tokyo Game Show is your answer ;)

Lastly Darc Requiem, Japan PS3 in 3rd place??? Next time post facts instead of talking out of your (_|_)

With all due respect, you, sir, and ils411 are both trolls. This is a thread with video game research data from Japan yet somehow it turns into an RPG fanboy flamewar. Just as a quick FYI, FFXIII isn't out yet therefore simple math tells us that some>none or many>few if you want to discuss minor titles. Move along now and find a JRPG thread to post in and comment on the statistics in the OP if you have one.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

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kn said:
halil23 said:

With all due respect, you, sir, and ils411 are both trolls. This is a thread with video game research data from Japan yet somehow it turns into an RPG fanboy flamewar. Just as a quick FYI, FFXIII isn't out yet therefore simple math tells us that some>none or many>few if you want to discuss minor titles. Move along now and find a JRPG thread to post in and comment on the statistics in the OP if you have one.

ah, but you forget that you mentioned this

"Interesting Tidbit:

RPGs are at the top of the food chain illustrating all the angst over SO4, lol"

thus, making our comments on jrpg practicaly valid :P

plus, "some>none or many>few ", is relative. for example, bob has a 10 hectar mansion while ted has 10 houses with lot area of 100m^2. so bob's 1 mansion>ted's 10 houses. or bob has a bar of 24k gold while ted has 100 bars of fools gold. bob's 1 24k bar of gold>ted's 100 bars of fools gold.

hence our saying ffxiii>all other rpgs combined. its not the quantity but the quality. and final fantasy is on the top of the food chain. even if what your saying is true that the game has been in decline, its still THE jrpg to look out for.

but with respect to your OP:

the sample population was from 1,165 elementary school children (or people claiming to be children). this alone would already make the survey bias to the nintendo ds and the wii. lets face it, nintendo did the right thing this gen and focused on the casual gamers and the children.  they tried to go back to their roots and it paid of for them. sony and microsof on the other hand are trying to focus on the other end of the spectrum and are appealing to young adults.

we also see the nintendo famicom (short for family computer) which i find really amusing. where i live,you can still actually buy nintendo famicom ripoffs. plus, you dont have to buy a single game. old nes games are actually built into the system. there are around 99 games included plus lite gun. i bought one 5 years ago coz it was really cheap, probably around 10US$. and my god, did i have some laughts playing duck hunt and battle city.

and lastly, i think this whole survey is bogus. the survey says that 36.5% of children have NO TIME to play games. wtf? your a kid, what the hell could they be doing other than playing? studying? working? (heaven forbid). chores? watching tv? (well, if you have time to watch tv then you have time to play games). but on the down side that this survey is legit, i pitty these children who have no time to play games.





bdbdbd said:
ils411 said:

starcraft said:
halil23 said:

"360 superior JRPG line-up" LMAO! now that what I call kidding yourself.

On topic : We know you're widely regard as a guy love spinning words and hoping people believe you're crap!

If you look carefully the survey shows consoles dating back to the NES days, obviously you have to be more specific when naming consoles, so what I did was fix your "MSMS" (or Played_Out awesome quote ASS MS : Anti-Sony Selective Memory Syndrome) post, and name "logical" 2 worst consoles.

And yes PS3 is doing well, just not Wii great.

You don't think the 360's library and line-up of JRPG's is superior to the PS3's?


final fantasy xiii >>>>>>> all other jrpgs, srpgs, wrpgs, srpgs, etc etc etc. combined

so yeah, with ffxiii alone, the ps3's jrpg lineup>>>>>>x360 jrpg line up.

Ok, if that's your opinion, then fine. But if you're an JRPG fan, instead of Final Fantasy fan, you propably enjoy 360 more. The question was about JRPG:s, not Final Fantasies. Besides, Wii beats both by having Fire Emblem (i just did the same).
Besides, FF13 isn't out yet anyway, so you really don't have a point there.

ah, but who said anything that i'm not going to buy an x360? i may prefer sony and the ps3 and i may hate microsoft and their fucking monopolizeing ass but that doesnt mean i'm going to deny myself of the games on the x360. i just need to let my purchase of my ps3 blow over for a couple of months or so. coz if i try buying an x360 anytime soon the wifes gona have my ass.

sc94597 said:
ils411 said:
Darc Requiem said:
halil23 said:
starcraft said:
halil23 said:
starcraft said:
Xbox and Xbox360 really are dead in Japan.


By Xbox I meant the Xbox brand. If you think the PS3 is doing well in Japan your kidding yourselves.

Given that though, its incredible the Xbox 360 is getting such a superior JRPG line-up compared to the PS3.

 "360 superior JRPG line-up" LMAO! now that what I call kidding yourself.

On topic : We know you're widely regard as a guy love spinning words and hoping people believe you're crap!

If you look carefully the survey shows consoles dating back to the NES days, obviously you have to be more specific when naming consoles, so what I did was fix your "MSMS" (or Played_Out awesome quote ASS MS : Anti-Sony Selective Memory Syndrome) post, and name "logical" 2 worst consoles.

 And yes PS3 is doing well, just not Wii great.

 Either you are being sarcastic or you a very delusional. If the PS3 RPG line up was what you claimed you wouldn't have all the PS3 owners crying about all the JRPGs being on 360. The PS3 isn't doing well its in third place and in Japan is dead. The HD console market on the whole is dead in Japan.

maybe he's like me and thinks

final fantasy xiii>>>>>>>>>all other jrpgs, wrpgs, srpgs, arpgs, etc etc etc combined

hence, ps3 rpg lineup>>>>>>>>>x360 rpg line up 

(which is exaclty what i said to starcraft) 

Um sorry, but by the way the final fantasy series is declining in quality no. There are many many many rpgs that will most likely be better than FFXIIi, and probably alot this generation.


ummm, no. last gen, the top rpg game was a final fantasy game, final fantasy x. last last gen, the top rpg game was again, a final fantasy game, final fantasy vii. and this gen, final fantasy will again get top honors in final fantasy xiii. history will again repeat itself

The first is way to old , and it cant be called a research . I wonder what the answes would be now that the PSP got a popularity boost in Japan :D

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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I feel sorry for the deserved better sales....

But then, when you name a console Dreamcast, your just asking for trouble. They might as well have called it 'the big bag of love' or something

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

ils411 said:
kn said:
halil23 said:


and lastly, i think this whole survey is bogus. the survey says that 36.5% of children have NO TIME to play games. wtf? your a kid, what the hell could they be doing other than playing? studying? working? (heaven forbid). chores? watching tv? (well, if you have time to watch tv then you have time to play games). but on the down side that this survey is legit, i pitty these children who have no time to play games.





At least I can answer this one. The survey is Japanese ergo, these are Japanese childeren. Apart from having the lowest amount of holidays in the first world, Japanese childeren are usually enrolled in in a variety of clubs like sports or art.

I will not look for sources but anyone remembering the "I am an American school teacher in Japan" blogs will know it's true.

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