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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The official "I am excited to be a X360 owner and enjoy RPGs" Thread

mrstickball said:

Hmm. Off of the top of my head:

  • Culdcept Saga - February 5th
  • Lost Odyssey - February 12th
  • Penny Arcade Adventures: EP1 - May 21st
  • Opertion: Darkness - June 24th
  • Spectral Force 3 - July 29th
  • Tales of Verspria - August 2nd
  • Too Human - August 19th
  • Infinite Undiscovery - September
  • Sacred 2 - September
  • Two Worlds: The Temptation - November
  • Fallout 3 - Fall
  • Fable 2 - Fall
  • The Last Remnant - Winter
  • Star Ocean 4 - 2009

When I bought my 360, I bought it for RPGs. Looks like my act of faith really worked out, eh? Any other 08-09 releases I am missing?

For me, Persona 4>>>>>>>>>>everything on that list and I'll be enjoying it on my Ps2 in 3. People keep crying  about all these RPGs. Chances are you won't even buy half the stuff on that list. If gamers cared about rpg's as much as this site gets you to think, RPG sales (except FF) would be encroaching on COD4 and Halo 3. I thought Lost Odyssey was an excellent game from the videos I've seen even though I haven't played it yet it hasn't even reached 1 million copies--a milestone that even a game as dumb as Dead Rising has reached.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Pristine20 said:
mrstickball said:

Hmm. Off of the top of my head:

  • Culdcept Saga - February 5th
  • Lost Odyssey - February 12th
  • Penny Arcade Adventures: EP1 - May 21st
  • Opertion: Darkness - June 24th
  • Spectral Force 3 - July 29th
  • Tales of Verspria - August 2nd
  • Too Human - August 19th
  • Infinite Undiscovery - September
  • Sacred 2 - September
  • Two Worlds: The Temptation - November
  • Fallout 3 - Fall
  • Fable 2 - Fall
  • The Last Remnant - Winter
  • Star Ocean 4 - 2009

When I bought my 360, I bought it for RPGs. Looks like my act of faith really worked out, eh? Any other 08-09 releases I am missing?

For me, Persona 4>>>>>>>>>>everything on that list and I'll be enjoying it on my Ps2 in 3. People keep crying  about all these RPGs. Chances are you won't even buy half the stuff on that list. If gamers cared about rpg's as much as this site gets you to think, RPG sales (except FF) would be encroaching on COD4 and Halo 3. I thought Lost Odyssey was an excellent game from the videos I've seen even though I haven't played it yet it hasn't even reached 1 million copies--a milestone that even a game as dumb as Dead Rising has reached.


Are you pissed or something that these games wont be appearing on your console or something? Ok good for you persona 4 will be on ps2 congrats. for me Fable 2> FF 13 see i can do it too. Who cares about sales? That doesnt mean we dont have fantastic games coming for those who love them.

FOr the small amount of people who care this is huge news and i have no idea why u are attacking it.


Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Bingoo said:
Pristine20 said:
mrstickball said:

Hmm. Off of the top of my head:

  • Culdcept Saga - February 5th
  • Lost Odyssey - February 12th
  • Penny Arcade Adventures: EP1 - May 21st
  • Opertion: Darkness - June 24th
  • Spectral Force 3 - July 29th
  • Tales of Verspria - August 2nd
  • Too Human - August 19th
  • Infinite Undiscovery - September
  • Sacred 2 - September
  • Two Worlds: The Temptation - November
  • Fallout 3 - Fall
  • Fable 2 - Fall
  • The Last Remnant - Winter
  • Star Ocean 4 - 2009

When I bought my 360, I bought it for RPGs. Looks like my act of faith really worked out, eh? Any other 08-09 releases I am missing?

For me, Persona 4>>>>>>>>>>everything on that list and I'll be enjoying it on my Ps2 in 3. People keep crying about all these RPGs. Chances are you won't even buy half the stuff on that list. If gamers cared about rpg's as much as this site gets you to think, RPG sales (except FF) would be encroaching on COD4 and Halo 3. I thought Lost Odyssey was an excellent game from the videos I've seen even though I haven't played it yet it hasn't even reached 1 million copies--a milestone that even a game as dumb as Dead Rising has reached.


Are you pissed or something that these games wont be appearing on your console or something? Ok good for you persona 4 will be on ps2 congrats. for me Fable 2> FF 13 see i can do it too. Who cares about sales? That doesnt mean we dont have fantastic games coming for those who love them.

FOr the small amount of people who care this is huge news and i have no idea why u are attacking it.


 Actualy, some of those games would be released on PS3 as well. however, depending on how they turn out and how busy I am, I will be skipping some. I'm just saying that most of these people clamouring for this games won't pick them up when they are released judging by past sales data. RPG-players seem suddenly loud these days?

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

hey mrstick.
I've never enjoyed rpgs before so when I bought BD for my kid, I didn't understand it at all, and to be honest it was too difficult and too much thinking, walking around and wasting time. (I'm more used to COD4, halo and such)

my question: I want to get into rpgs cause most of people here seem to love it so which game should I try first? Something easy and plays little faster.
thanks for your help.

Right now, Eternal Sonata is a pretty basic, fun RPG that's easy to understand, IMO.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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star ocean 4 and fable 2 for me...

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

@ MrStick

If we are going to get him into RPG's we should probably start with something more Western as they are easier to get into.


Try Mass Effect.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

EaglesEye379 said:

You pretty got all of them unless you want to add these:

Age of Conan
Warhammer Online
Cry On
Dungeon Hero
Rise of the Argonauts

 Yeah man!!! Dungeon Hero! Well,at least there are some wellinformed 360 owners!

And theres Deck13's Venetica (EDIT Sorry Slimebeast I didnt notice your post!!), and didnt Jowood say something about 2009 Gothic 4 release? My god, if G4 was anywhere near Gothic 2 it would be HUGE!

More hack'n'slash RPGs PLEASE


(there is also the assurance that The Witcher is developed for console(s). I would walk naked out in the road if it wasn't developed for 360 at least. But thats a speculation)

this is very good foer rpg fans,but im not one of them but very good for the 360 owners that are rpg fans

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

New Kingdom under fire! 2009
