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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I am not asking for much, God

Weebs said:
endimion said:
Weebs said:
endimion said:
now i have a question.... why on the MS forum we have more post lately concerning PS ???? especially since PS has nothing to offer else that its big guns which i don't like and a lot of XB fan don't either.....

did we adopt that many PS2 fans ???? guys if you can't embrace your new foster family just run away and go back to PS 3

I am glad I am among those who suckle on the sweet milk of microsofts soft teets - but I don't really believe in the idea of console xenophobia - black consoles can get along with white consoles - or at least interbreed and share their "heritage" (games)... does that make any sense ? Probably not



hum true... but what heritage comes from PS ?????? certainly not FF and MGS.....

maybe heritage isn't the right word for it (though I could say black culture --> eminem)

 I guess I am all for the idea of a monopoly lol - so everyone can get all the games they wanted - or maybe the idea of non exclusives but what separates them is their DLC... hell I don't know


FF7 was suppose to be on N64 you know 


 That is not a comparison. It was in the planning stages then, whereas MGS 4 is coming out in 2 days with it being bundled in various forms across the globe, and even John Lucas does not think that it is going to jump ship now

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What is MGS4?

Id stick to world peace. better chance imo

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

SamuelRSmith said:
FJ-Warez said:


I don´t care about spoilers, but usually when kojima talks about the size issue, he doesn´t say 50Gb, I will look at it later, I´m working...(and I can´t go to youtube) It will be nice if you tell me what it is...

It's just a little ingame joke about needing you use Blu-ray discs. You can play it in mute, as it has subtitles. 

 I really can´t go to youtube, the site is blocked, but still that is no real proof about the size, just a joke...



FF VII development started in the SGI stations, the old N64 dev kids... there is a couple of demos of the early engine featuring FF VI characters...


By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

It will eventually come you just need patience young grasshopper,remeber how Re4 came to the ps2?

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You might be waiting for some years, save up for a ps3 instead..>_>

Play and/or create your own dream games below. Message for more info. ^_^

Weebs said:
Faxanadu said:
Weebs weeps. In his heart for MGS4.

I guess you have to decide soon.

Hey, btw Faxandu - I bought you but never got the time playing you - are you worth it ? Will you make me forget about MGS4 ?


MGS4 is the boyfriend that never calls me.

Yes Weebs, I will make you happy, I will give you a glorious (yet tough) gaming experience, I will make you forget the boyfriend that does not call.

Yes, I am that good.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

It will happen, but I'm not for sure on the timing of the annoucement however. Will not hit before 6-8 months is my guess atm.

darthdevidem01 said:
Just buy a PS3

you see if you want good games just buy a PS3...

*giggles with no comment to make* TEHEE * Runs away *

@OP I'm with you on the money issue. I plan on getting a 360 in the future, but that'll all depend on the money situation(I'm trying to pay off my car early.)
That said, it's probably not wise to buy a system for one game if money is a factor. You thought about maybe renting a PS3 and the game? I don't know if Gamefy rents systems, but I'm pretty sure the video stores still do(I might be wrong, though...haven't been to a video store in years.) It'll be cheaper than buying the whole thing and you'll still get your fix.