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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I am not asking for much, God

endimion said:
now i have a question.... why on the MS forum we have more post lately concerning PS ???? especially since PS has nothing to offer else that its big guns which i don't like and a lot of XB fan don't either.....

did we adopt that many PS2 fans ???? guys if you can't embrace your new foster family just run away and go back to PS 3

 I am glad I am among those who suckle on the sweet milk of microsofts soft teets - but I don't really believe in the idea of console xenophobia - black consoles can get along with white consoles - or at least interbreed and share their "heritage" (games)... does that make any sense ? Probably not



Understanding is the key.


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SleepWaking said:
darthdevidem01 said:

sorry but your brought God into this
Man are you really serious?? If you couldn't see he didn't really meant this I have to call you an idiot. So I guess your an idiot? or are you just playing an idiot?


 Sleepwaking - in all serious, and I don't like to be serious - you are right, I am not serious.. but sarcasm can be a second-guess game on the internet, if you know what I mean.. yea people shouldn't take what others type literally.. it's stupid


Understanding is the key.


as a 360 owner and a person that has played other MGS's i'm not too bothered about MGS4 because if i want to play it then i have no problem buying a ps3 in order to do so.

But the 360 has plenty to offer me other than MGS4 and i'm happy to have both systems.

Weebs said:
endimion said:
now i have a question.... why on the MS forum we have more post lately concerning PS ???? especially since PS has nothing to offer else that its big guns which i don't like and a lot of XB fan don't either.....

did we adopt that many PS2 fans ???? guys if you can't embrace your new foster family just run away and go back to PS 3

I am glad I am among those who suckle on the sweet milk of microsofts soft teets - but I don't really believe in the idea of console xenophobia - black consoles can get along with white consoles - or at least interbreed and share their "heritage" (games)... does that make any sense ? Probably not



 hum true... but what heritage comes from PS ?????? certainly not FF and MGS.....


your the idiot because you thought I was being serious

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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endimion said:
Weebs said:
endimion said:
now i have a question.... why on the MS forum we have more post lately concerning PS ???? especially since PS has nothing to offer else that its big guns which i don't like and a lot of XB fan don't either.....

did we adopt that many PS2 fans ???? guys if you can't embrace your new foster family just run away and go back to PS 3

I am glad I am among those who suckle on the sweet milk of microsofts soft teets - but I don't really believe in the idea of console xenophobia - black consoles can get along with white consoles - or at least interbreed and share their "heritage" (games)... does that make any sense ? Probably not



 hum true... but what heritage comes from PS ?????? certainly not FF and MGS.....

 Metal Gear Solid was on PS1.. the MG franchise may not have started on PS1, but it was made the franchise it is in the recent games

FJ-Warez said:
Munkeh111 said:
Yeh, just give back sony the huge amounts of money and support they gave. Then just compress it from around the 50GB it is to more like 25GB so that it can get on 3 disks then make a new engine, so that an Xbox fan can get MGS 4. Oh hang on, 360 fanboys have been asking for this game since it was announced, it is not going to happen ever!

 Err, would you provide me with a link where he clearly states how the game could varely fit into a 50G BR-Disc, because I can remeber the whole deal end up on a misunderstood, 'cause the game could not fit into a 25GB disc for a few GBs, then Sony offering the DL-Disc...

I don't know if that link contains spoilers. So if you're sad enough to get flustered about finding out about a location of a level in a game, don't click it. 

darthdevidem01 said:

your the idiot because you thought I was being serious

mmm, I geuss I was being a little bit to personal there, sorry shouldn't have directed my irritations to you, but there are some people how are just acting like they take him seriously. again I apologies.


edit:(your still an idiot though for typing my name wrong :P, although everybody seems to that :P) 

endimion said:
Weebs said:
endimion said:
now i have a question.... why on the MS forum we have more post lately concerning PS ???? especially since PS has nothing to offer else that its big guns which i don't like and a lot of XB fan don't either.....

did we adopt that many PS2 fans ???? guys if you can't embrace your new foster family just run away and go back to PS 3

I am glad I am among those who suckle on the sweet milk of microsofts soft teets - but I don't really believe in the idea of console xenophobia - black consoles can get along with white consoles - or at least interbreed and share their "heritage" (games)... does that make any sense ? Probably not



hum true... but what heritage comes from PS ?????? certainly not FF and MGS.....

maybe heritage isn't the right word for it (though I could say black culture --> eminem)

 I guess I am all for the idea of a monopoly lol - so everyone can get all the games they wanted - or maybe the idea of non exclusives but what separates them is their DLC... hell I don't know


FF7 was suppose to be on N64 you know 


Understanding is the key.


Shameless said:
If MGS4 went multi-platform it will be all over for the PS3 in my eyes. I'd sell it immediately.

My cousin needs one. I'll happily buy yours if its 60gb

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler