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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I am not asking for much, God

Weebs weeps. In his heart for MGS4.

I guess you have to decide soon.

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I mean really - this is a big thing for many people - I am sure a lot of others are wondering about this - and I KNOW its probably been dragged on for so long - again, my curiosity and lack of motivation to search other threads to find an answer to this question is outweighed by the simple idea of posting another thread

Depending on where you look - there are multiple sources that both fire back at one another with this rumor - and I am asking anyone with ANY knowledge that I don't have about this rumor to do tell - (are you there surfer girl ? it's me, Weebs)

a 360 fanboy ? No, but I am a Saving-my-money fanboy though.

Understanding is the key.


Gazz said:
Perhaps you are better off asking god for better hardware that won't rrod. MGS on 360 or not, it still has to function to play on it right?

Sell your soul............., stupid trolls get stupid comments like mine.

 I was about to raise the MS flag and start flaming you for that post then I read the bolded part and your post became valid in my book.

 See, this thread is so pointless that my post is entirely off topic.

Faxanadu said:
Weebs weeps. In his heart for MGS4.

I guess you have to decide soon.

 Hey, btw Faxandu - I bought you but never got the time playing you - are you worth it ? Will you make me forget about MGS4 ?


MGS4 is the boyfriend that never calls me.  

Understanding is the key.


Weebs just ignore em I can sypathise with you wanting MGS4 badly enough you'd sell your soul.

I'll sell my soul for Kingdom hearts 3 on the PS3.

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Million said:
Weebs just ignore em I can sypathise with you wanting MGS4 badly enough you'd sell your soul.

I'll sell my soul for Kingdom hearts 3 on the PS3.

 Thanks, Million - I just didn't expect people would be driven to the point of hatred over a stupid little money-saving wish. 

 ...wait... KH3 is NOT going to be on Ps3 ? are you pulling my leg ? 

Understanding is the key.


Dude, I'm going to start praying for MGS4 to come out on 360, and when it does, you better go to church.

It's just a waste of time appealing for MGS 4 to come to 360, it is never going to happen

I suppose this is a sad state of our belief system now a day.

People would sell their soul for a video game. So apparently, Soul = price of PS3.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
Weebs said:
Million said:
Weebs just ignore em I can sypathise with you wanting MGS4 badly enough you'd sell your soul.

I'll sell my soul for Kingdom hearts 3 on the PS3.

Thanks, Million - I just didn't expect people would be driven to the point of hatred over a stupid little money-saving wish.

...wait... KH3 is NOT going to be on Ps3 ? are you pulling my leg ?

Well no one is really sure yet , it could go to any console but I think most people would bet between the Wii or PS3.

@ Kingofwale  I don't think he literaly meant his soul as in spending an eternity in hell in exchange for a video game.