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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What should I get....

I have ~100 USD...well...80USD and some Gamestop Giftcards and I'm going to Gamestop tonight!


I'm gonna get a Classic Controller but I dunno what else to get.


Suggest some Wii & GCN games that are already out and cheaper than $50. 

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Soriku said:
Baten Kaitos Origins for the GC.

Buy Skies of Arcadia Legends instead.

Skies of Arcadia Legends for GCN... dreamcast classic that was pored to GameCube. Also Pikmin 1 and 2 if you don't have them. Might want to pick up Luigi's mansion if you don't have it (I still don't lol)
DS I would recomend Kirby Canvas Curse or Pac N Roll or Yoshi Touch and Go or Trauma Center: Under the Knife. All are good and should be cheap. Pac man is the weakest of these. Yoshi doesn't seem like much, but it feels like an arcade game, and I still play it every now and then years later.

Metroid Prime (GC)

No, not Prime 2 or 3.

I already have Pikmin I&II. And most of those DS games.

I just got Metroid Prime 2 via Ebay but I'm not gonna play it until I get the first one. Was the first one good? Or do I even need to play the first one to understand/enjoy the second?

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I'll made a new list from the top of my head then:
1. Skies of Arcadia Legends
2. Game Cubes Metal Gear Solid game, dont rember the name but its supposed to be good
3. Super mario sunshine/mario kart/melee/Tales of Symphonia (bet you have these already though)
4. Kirby Air ride (city trail with 4 people for 5 hours a day for a week is WIN lol. Its really fun, but you need 1 other person at least)

MGS - Twin Snakes

Resident Evil 1 GC (the remake for GC was epic)

Resident Evil 4 Wii or GC

Wii Fit ?

Or wait for Fatal Frame, because that game is gonna rock

Understanding is the key.


Yeah, I want Resident Evil for the gamecube.

Wii Fit? XD I was lucky enough to get the preorder! :D

More Wii points. Boom Blox, Okami, No More Heroes, etc. Or a second Guitar Hero guitar.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Definitely get Metroid Prime. It's so worth it. You should get Metroid Prime 3 too, since they're all great.