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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Last Remnant Todays NEW Trailer

memory2zack said:
SO4 looks awesome too, better than the Last Remnant in every way . Another reason why all the interest goes to SO4.
I know SO4 has some interest but does it really have that much?


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Riachu said:
Munkeh111 said:
Riachu said:
Munkeh111 said:
Funny how there is a lot less interest in this game than SO 4, almost none in this one

Anyway, the battle system looks as though there is like a list of commands, similar to what the theorised XIII one is going to be like, so maybe this is just a test gameplay system for XIII? Though the idea of this is that you take part in large scale battles, not just a small party taking on some fiends
Star Ocean is an established franchise and TLR is a new IP, of course there is less interest


Yes, but there is absolutely no interest in a brand new franchise, I though people wanted SE to move away from just FF games

Hate to break it to you but the only reason why people want SE to move away from doing just FF is because they want them to make a sequel to Chrono Trigger/Cross instead



I for one want to see them diversify, and this does seem like a new type of RPG with large scale battles

Munkeh111 said:


I for one want to see them diversify, and this does seem like a new type of RPG with large scale battles
Me too.  People have unpredictable tastes in games.  I don't even know if this game or any game is getting hyped or not.


Riachu said:
memory2zack said:
SO4 looks awesome too, better than the Last Remnant in every way . Another reason why all the interest goes to SO4.
I know SO4 has some interest but does it really have that much?


To me SO4 looks by far the best. It really impressed me, but really a lot, something impressing me that much rarely happens. The Last Remnant vid on the other side was only ok fro me. I´m pumped for large scales battles where morale plays an important role, but the battle system didn´t seem good enough, a bit too static.



memory2zack said:
Riachu said:
memory2zack said:
SO4 looks awesome too, better than the Last Remnant in every way . Another reason why all the interest goes to SO4.
I know SO4 has some interest but does it really have that much?


To me SO4 looks by far the best. It really impressed me, but really a lot, something impressing me that much rarely happens. The Last Remnant vid on the other side was only ok fro me. I´m pumped for large scales battles where morale plays an important role, but the battle system didn´t seem good enough, a bit too static.



We didn't see any gameplay footage for SO4 yet so it is kind of unfair to compare the two.  TLR has has a cool-sounding battle system IMO


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A day one must buy for me.  If it's out on the 360 first, I'll be buying it on the 360.  I'll not wait anymore.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

kick ass is all ihave to say. Im very very impressed and its day one purchase for me.

You cant really compare SO 4 and this cause we have only seen a FMV of star ocean 4. This is more in game cutscenes and gameplay

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Bingoo said:
kick ass is all ihave to say. Im very very impressed and its day one purchase for me.

You cant really compare SO 4 and this cause we have only seen a FMV of star ocean 4. This is more in game cutscenes and gameplay
The Last Remnant and Square Enix doesn't disappoint when it comes to graphics.  I am not sure of the battle system yet since no one knows how it will work exactly.  The trailer definitely interested me enough to watch this game'd development


im really intrigued by the battle system. I hope it turns out as good as it looks.

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Gah! I hate the tuff one-liners the heroes drop during combat in these type of games. The endless cussing of enemies.

"Take this!"

Low Hollywood quality.