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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Star Ocean 4 Todays Brand NEW Trailer


E3 is 5 weeks away

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

E3 is 5 weeks away

 Keep your fingers crossed that we see the XIIIs there. Sony can make up for this if they announce KH 3 there!


obieslut said:
I bet it feels good to be a xbot at this perticular time en it.
I f i dont get no info on FFXIII soon, i am jumping ships, again lol


This comment made me think...

I wonder what the SDF website is going to say...


SONY can make up for this by showing amazing FF13 stuff itself imo.

n maybe another game in the Fabula Nova Crystallis thing

But what would really make it up is a

FF7 remake

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Why did the trailer make me think of FFX:In Space? Oh yeah, SE seems to think that Yuna and Titus need to be the basis of every character module from until forever.

OT, no gameplay, I guess we still need to wait to see if SE can inovate any of their games.

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darthdevidem01 said:

SONY can make up for this by showing amazing FF13 stuff itself imo.

n maybe another game in the Fabula Nova Crystallis thing

But what would really make it up is a

FF7 remake

 Indeed, in time I would also like to see an VIII and IX remake

darthdevidem01 said:

SONY can make up for this by showing amazing FF13 stuff itself imo.

n maybe another game in the Fabula Nova Crystallis thing

But what would really make it up is a

FF7 remake
 I forgot all about FF this gen. Lots of games already this gen have bettered the last 4 attempts of FF. Like LO, ES, and BD were all a breath of fresh air. And with the latest JRPG's coming this year I hadn't even given a thought to FF13. Still wanna see it, but it's nowhere near the top of my list anymore. It's taken to long.



BD & ES & LO battered FFX, FFXII........riiiiiiiiiiight

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

BD & ES & LO battered FFX, FFXII........riiiiiiiiiiight
 This is personally. I'm not gonna flame bait if yur opinion differs, It's good that we all have different opinions. But for me BD was equal with FF9, and FF9 for me was the best out of 8 - 12. LO was as good as 7 for me but LO had  better character development so it edges it. And ES was amazing for me. Personaly FF has lost it's way and 12 I stopped playing after 20 hours and just havent gone back to it yet. For me that says alot. But I'm not dissing your opinion because we are all different. :)   



if thats your opinioin......we should never have discussion on JRPG's.....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey