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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales of Vesperia Battle Videos

Sorry for saying this... but

Is it just me, or TOS sequel's battle system is better?

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totally agree....n the TOS 2 grfx seem just as good

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

totally agree....n the TOS 2 grfx seem just as good

 No. TOS2 looks exactly like TOS on GC. And those are youtube vids. Watch some HD vids from gametrailers.


I really like the look of that. Is the battle system the same as Star Ocean 3's? I like the way it adds up how much damage you do.
Pity it ain't coming out in Europe until 2009

the video quality is horrendous then.....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Game looks sweet and it's being bundled with the 360 in Japan this August so heres hoping it will boost it a little bit as i can really see this game taking off over there.


@darth: stop hating stuff on 360.

Soriku said:
Munkeh111 said:
I really like the look of that. Is the battle system the same as Star Ocean 3's? I like the way it adds up how much damage you do.
Pity it ain't coming out in Europe until 2009

I guess it's kinda like SO3's battle system though I think you're able to roam more in ToV.

And the adding damage thing is in all new Tales of games (last gen until now) :)

 What do you mean "more free to roam" in SO you can run around as you like once you start the battle, or are the battles on the world map (like FF XII)?


True about Vesperia's battle system, but is not as dynamic as SO3.

If Bandai-Namco would used TOS, TOA battle system, it would be a lot more awesome