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Forums - Gaming Discussion - S-E Producer: Star Ocean 4 on PS3 still undecided

I think this happens because the SO3 sold more in NA. Or am I mistaken ?
Squaresoft, now Square Enix, always did their little experiments to protect their flagship franchise (Final Fantasy, now Dragon Quest too), using their other less important games.
SE said they want to try getting a western base of users.
The purpose of a business is to acquire and keep customers. So that's what they're doing.
I'm pretty sure they're alienating lots of their fanbase in Japan though (putting FF exclusive on a platform, and their other known games on others). They already missed the turn with their FF franchise, IMO because of some shady contract with Sony for the main franchise. Dragon Quest is safe, I think that will become their true flagship franchise. But alienating their fanbase that were used to get everything on one platform surely is unavoidable.

But what they are doing now, I think is terrible, even if SO is not a high seller. I'm not sure that was the best move.
The problem is not putting the game on XB360, as that's a good move is SO3 sold more in NA.
No, the problem is the exclusives. Even if moneyhatted to do that, this is good in the short term, but as they will lose lots of customers in Japan, the long term will be terrible.
That will be terrible for them and mostly for JRPG on home consoles, which is the saddest thing.


It will be interesting to follow SE's moves.

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JRPG games mainly sell in Japan and Xbox doesnt, so all these JRPGs wiil get ported to PS3, ( Mircosoft they know they cant beat SONY on brand Name alone so they are up to their dirty tricks as usual, thats y i'll never by a Mircosoft Console,I have no respect for that company, and thats why I think Japan doesnt buy 360)

They sold about evenly:

SE is in a bit of a tight spot right now. They have always put their money in Sony's pot, but with the PS3 not selling that well in Japan, the western market is their next best bet, which means that the 360 is the safest route to take, because PS3 sales have been sluggish over here, also.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Seriously these Japanese companies need to start appealing to Europe as well now.....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Domo-Kun said:
They sold about evenly:

SE is in a bit of a tight spot right now. They have always put their money in Sony's pot, but with the PS3 not selling that well in Japan, the western market is their next best bet, which means that the 360 is the safest route to take, because PS3 sales have been sluggish over here, also.

That's even worse. And no, it doesn't make sense that they target only the western market, when they could target more people by making the games multiplatform. Especially since these are developed with multiplatform engines. So only money can explain that, but that's not a wise decision on their part.

They can't hope that their franchises and brand won't be tarnished, even with a timed exclusive.

To me, this move will only accelerate what I think was already happening to JRPG. This won't end well at all.

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I don't know what to say about SO4 coming to the 360 with the possiblility of the game 'not' getting port over to the PS3.

jRPGs sales in the U.S. are nearly as high as japanese ones and sometimes surpass them. The 360 has a higher userbase than the ps3, japanese companies start caring more about the worldwide market than the japanese one. M$ is trying whereas $ony is not. It´s pretty clear why most HD jRPGs end up to the x360 instead of ps3.

The best thing would be that all HD jRPGs go multiplatform. I think SE will do this, I would assume they are having technical difficulties into bringing their games on the PS3. Namco Bandai should also be doing this. They will definitely be winning by going multiplatform. 

Domo-Kun said:
They sold about evenly:

SE is in a bit of a tight spot right now. They have always put their money in Sony's pot, but with the PS3 not selling that well in Japan, the western market is their next best bet, which means that the 360 is the safest route to take, because PS3 sales have been sluggish over here, also.

 With much bigger PS2 install base in Japan they barely sold over 1 million world wide. Thanks for the list which prove the game will hardly effect xbox360 if LO couldn't. 

Sony should rethink their strategy of not giving out money for exclusives.Ms is throwing truckloads of money to japanese developers.And ,while it doest mean anything for them as they still sell very few consoles ,its slowing down the PS3 to an extent we cannot fully understand.....

THis is crap ,this is the kind of thing that makes me not want a 360 at all.I dont want MS to buy the industry like this.

CrazzyMan said:

Games from SQUARE:

2010 January 31st - FFXIII on PS3.
2010 Summer - FFXIIIv on PS3.
2010 Autumn - KH3 on Wii.

4 JRPGs from SQUARE in ONE year, isn`t that too much??? Then when to release SO4 on PS3? Right.
2011 January - SO4 on PS3, but only in Japan.

Not to mention, that MMORPG based on FFXIII must be released during 2009-2010 also on PS3 and probably also on Xbox 360.
