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Forums - Gaming Discussion - S-E Producer: Star Ocean 4 on PS3 still undecided

so4 will arrive on ps3, i dont know what enix are thinking, they obviously have been given credits for a timed exclusive or something. but it will fail

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Thats why I always felt Square was much better

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Well, I'm hoping for SCEJ that they will bring up some `rabbit` out of a hat as a superb suprise. Cause MS has a strong line-up when it comes to JRPG's. This might convince people to actually buy a 360, allthough they would have thought to buy a PS3 based upon previous experiences.

And I mean a real surprise and not just Final Fantasy XIII of which we have seen some footage allready. They might need to invest just like MS does.

Slimebeast said:
darthdevidem01 said:
And the JRPG devs are just as stupid, instead of feeding their JRPGs onto the viable platform for the Japanese market or *both*, they make it an exclusive for the worst selling. They're trying to create a stable environment for JRPGs and they're doing it on the wrong system. It's like everyone is in a cycle of making the worst business decisions for themselves, Sony barely trying and JRPG devs avoiding the next-gen system that could sustain them in their own country

Have you watched the PS3 sales in Japan? They are absolute garbage too.

So perhaps it doesn't matter so much for developers weather the timed exclusive starts on the PS3 or the X360, as long as they get compensation for it.


1. ps3 has over 2 million consoles... xbox has been out for almost 3 years and has 600k.......

2. ps3 is slling 5 to 6 times as much as xbox EVERY week.

3. if sony sales are garbage xbox sales are not even there.

4. making a HD JRPG on sony is the best choice to sale games.

5. it does matter and not one JRPG on xbox has made any money.


the support we've seen this far on 360 has been unproven franchises. Big franchises like this have built in fanbases in Japan that will basically buy the system to play the game. Granted many of them may sell it after that but i see some pretty big sales for the week this game is released in Japan.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Solution: Sell your Playstations and buy a console with something you like.

Nice, I'll get Star Ocean 4 for 360 and White Knight Story for PS3. But I am surprised about the strong JRPG for the 360. It seems Microsoft and Sony switched places in the JRPG support.



This was the ONE game that was going to make me buy a 360.

Any system tri-Ace produces for, I'll follow to.

But, dammit, I hate 360. :(

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Dno said:
Slimebeast said:
darthdevidem01 said:
And the JRPG devs are just as stupid, instead of feeding their JRPGs onto the viable platform for the Japanese market or *both*, they make it an exclusive for the worst selling. They're trying to create a stable environment for JRPGs and they're doing it on the wrong system. It's like everyone is in a cycle of making the worst business decisions for themselves, Sony barely trying and JRPG devs avoiding the next-gen system that could sustain them in their own country

Have you watched the PS3 sales in Japan? They are absolute garbage too.

So perhaps it doesn't matter so much for developers weather the timed exclusive starts on the PS3 or the X360, as long as they get compensation for it.


1. ps3 has over 2 million consoles... xbox has been out for almost 3 years and has 600k.......

2. ps3 is slling 5 to 6 times as much as xbox EVERY week.

3. if sony sales are garbage xbox sales are not even there.

4. making a HD JRPG on sony is the best choice to sale games.

5. it does matter and not one JRPG on xbox has made any money.


Right, so Square Enix and Namco Bandai must be a bunch of dimwits and dont know what they are doing then. Square lost money last quarter and they really want to start losing more, its getting addictive for them. Once you pop you cant stop!


Guys please. As much as this fanboy flamewar goes for entertainment sake, the argument about 'its-wrong-to-release-on-the-360' is so dumb and annoying. By developing on a simpler and cheaper development kit, they immediately obtain a userbase outside Japan of 18m people to sell to. And with 360's brand, marketing, distribution (I bet you MS had something to do with the wonderful simultaneous releases worldwide) this is a win-win-win for gamers, Japanese developers and MS all in one.

And lets face it, Japanese developers can no longer survive on making games just for the Japanese market. Its not financially viable in our times anymore. Not even Square Enix can do it. They need to go international to compete with the West.

Even Kojima himself said Japanese development is lagging and needs to catch up with the West. Both on a development side and financial side.

Comparing 2k to 10k for Japan is so insignificant and meaningless when its 150k-200k for the rest of the world. How do you expect these Japanese developers to make money on such a small userbase.

darthdevidem01 said:
SOMEONE in Japan go n KILL SCEJ!

That's a bit too much, but I see your point. I have a question, what has SCEJ done this generation? Have they done anything at all?