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Forums - Gaming Discussion - S-E Producer: Star Ocean 4 on PS3 still undecided

darthdevidem01 said:
And the JRPG devs are just as stupid, instead of feeding their JRPGs onto the viable platform for the Japanese market or *both*, they make it an exclusive for the worst selling. They're trying to create a stable environment for JRPGs and they're doing it on the wrong system. It's like everyone is in a cycle of making the worst business decisions for themselves, Sony barely trying and JRPG devs avoiding the next-gen system that could sustain them in their own country

Have you watched the PS3 sales in Japan? They are absolute garbage too.

So perhaps it doesn't matter so much for developers weather the timed exclusive starts on the PS3 or the X360, as long as they get compensation for it.


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i have to say scej have been asleep throughout the whole of ps3's campaign. the other sce regions are actually trying to pick up sales, but it seems like the japan division WANTS the ps3 to fail. they aren't doing anything at all to help pick up ps3 sales. just new ps3 colours.

I am disappointed it is not going to the Wii. Thats where the user base is at in Japan these days.

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why do you think I've brought the wii

I knew PS3 was failing in I brought a wii as well hoping it would get japanese support

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

DOATS1 said:
i have to say scej have been asleep throughout the whole of ps3's campaign. the other sce regions are actually trying to pick up sales, but it seems like the japan division WANTS the ps3 to fail. they aren't doing anything at all to help pick up ps3 sales. just new ps3 colours.

 They're planning to die with flying colours.

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Sounds like it will be heading the PS3 in the end. I think they would probably just say if a PS3 version wasn't coming out. Wouldn't it be better that way to get peoples interest in the 360?
So yeah, I don't think this will be exclusive.

darthdevidem01 said:
And the JRPG devs are just as stupid, instead of feeding their JRPGs onto the viable platform for the Japanese market or *both*, they make it an exclusive for the worst selling. They're trying to create a stable environment for JRPGs and they're doing it on the wrong system. It's like everyone is in a cycle of making the worst business decisions for themselves, Sony barely trying and JRPG devs avoiding the next-gen system that could sustain them in their own country

The Wii is a next gen system, unless you mean HD system.

Either way, they are giving the DS and PSP plenty of support, and those systems are sustaining them pretty well.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs


its not an SE franchise

its Tri-Ace....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
SOMEONE in Japan go n KILL SCEJ!

Gimme a gun and I'll do the job. People can say... game will release on the PS3 eventually... the eventually is I'm bothering about... I'm tired of waiting! When do we get the game then? 1 year, 2 years after the 360 release? In case no one hasn't noticed it, but Eternal Sonata probably won't even hit the Western regions and stays in Japan. Africa staying in Japan, Ace Combat 6 on the 360, Tales of Vesperia on the 360, SOIV on the 360, Fatal Frame IV on the WII, Monster Hunter 3 on the WII, KH3 (probably) on the WII... its not only about the SOIV, its about all these games, games being postponed, games being canceled, Sony being too lazy, sitting back and doing totally "nothing". Developers and Sony itself are killing not only the JRPG genre but also the entire PS brand this way.

@Darthdevidem, nope its Enix officially, Tri Ace only produced it, but it isn't Tri Ace's brand, like the main Dragon Quest game isn't Level 5's brand, neither Dark Cloud. Its Square Enix its brand, or else SE wouldn't be the one developing a DS game.

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no I havn't really been into SO at all......but I'm angry at SCEJ anyway + we want it all on PS3 or wii!!!!!



All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey