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Forums - Gaming Discussion - S-E Producer: Star Ocean 4 on PS3 still undecided

it looks like SO4 is also timed exclusive for 360


"Square Enix producer Yoshinori Yamagishi cleared things up during a roundtable interview session that followed the press conference. Asked if the game is 360-only, he said, "We cannot announce anything on that. We can say that it will be released first [on the Xbox 360]. Whether we'll release it on the PS3 is undecided. We may release it, we may not."




yes SCEJ is sleeping people ,,,,I mean if it's not muliplat from day  1 ,,,WTFFFFFF?another timed exclusive?


So in 09 they expect to release 20 JRpg for PS3?(like 15 of which were released first on 360) 









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This is also on IGN, this is really annoying, though I should be getting my Xbox soon. Seriously, are M$ just completely funding SE now, they have 1 full exclusive and 2 timed exclusives


yea but where the hell is SCEJ? I mean all other SCE (SCEE and SCEA are doing decent and putting out decent games but SCEJ is doing basically next to nothing).

I don't care for RPG at all since it's not my cup of tea,, but I can see why all PS3 fans might get upset.




SOMEONE in Japan go n KILL SCEJ!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

SpartanFX said:

yea but where the hell is SCEJ? I mean all other SCE (SCEE and SCEA are doing decent and putting out decent games but SCEJ is doing basically next to nothing).

I don't care for RPG at all since it's not my cup of tea,, but I can see why all PS3 fans might get upset.

 Yeh, they have basically done nothing this gen

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And the JRPG devs are just as stupid, instead of feeding their JRPGs onto the viable platform for the Japanese market or *both*, they make it an exclusive for the worst selling. They're trying to create a stable environment for JRPGs and they're doing it on the wrong system. It's like everyone is in a cycle of making the worst business decisions for themselves, Sony barely trying and JRPG devs avoiding the next-gen system that could sustain them in their own country

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


I know ,,it just shows what money can do in this business.




@spartan FX

yeah......anyways GTA 4 just arrived through he post

so some good things can happen today"

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Wasn't there a trailer on the psp re-release of star ocean for star ocean 4? Suggests either MS made this deal relatively recently and that it is pretty much guaranteed out on PS3 though at a later date

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

What!? This is really fucked up.. So 360 gets 2 things while PS3 gets "1". Well considering how big that "1" is, but damn..... this already proves SCEJ is thinks with their asses and not their brains. Way to go!



I can't wait to see how my cousin's face is when I tell him about this. He is so expecting it to go as a PS3 exclusive as how Infinite Undiscovery is a 360 exclusive. Too bad he hates the 360 and never is planning to get one.