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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starwars characters on Soul Calibur IV boxart

Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Kasz216 said:
Lafiel said:
they are on the box-art, because they are selling points and the license obviously wasn't cheap aswell, but I agree, that bonus-characters should be surprises ...

I don't know. Liscense might of been cheap. After all their is some cross promotion going on with Force Unleashed guy being in the game as well.

The weird thing is that they are doing a deal with ubi to publish the game in europe, so you would have thought they might have put the prince or altair in there


Probably figured that putting in more crossover characters would put it over the line of "cool option" to "whoring gimic."

I mean if you had Star Wars, Altair and/or Prince. May as well get a few more liscenes and make a Smash Bros type game.

 Indeed, though I get SC games because they are they are the only fighting games I like, and these characters help, because I have never really played a good lightsaber game before, and I dont have much problem with loads of guest characters is they are properly integrated into the game

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MaximusOptimus said:
Maybe only i Jap boxart. They usually get diff boxart. No Wii version? Or is it not coming to Wii??

There are a couple reasons. It's just a third party trend.

It's only the Japanese box art, but I think it's good to advertise such...appealing characters. The Star Wars series has a habit of making quite a bit of money, and is popular in many countries. Even if you hate the new characters, you have to admit that having Yoda or Darth Vader on the cover will attract quite a few more buyers.



MontanaHatchet said:
MaximusOptimus said:
Maybe only i Jap boxart. They usually get diff boxart. No Wii version? Or is it not coming to Wii??

There are a couple reasons. It's just a third party trend.

It's only the Japanese box art, but I think it's good to advertise such...appealing characters. The Star Wars series has a habit of making quite a bit of money, and is popular in many countries. Even if you hate the new characters, you have to admit that having Yoda or Darth Vader on the cover will attract quite a few more buyers.

 I agree but no Wii version :(  Maybe i will get the 360 version whenever i pick it up for SO4.

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title

MontanaHatchet said:
MaximusOptimus said:
Maybe only i Jap boxart. They usually get diff boxart. No Wii version? Or is it not coming to Wii??

There are a couple reasons. It's just a third party trend.

It's only the Japanese box art, but I think it's good to advertise such...appealing characters. The Star Wars series has a habit of making quite a bit of money, and is popular in many countries. Even if you hate the new characters, you have to admit that having Yoda or Darth Vader on the cover will attract quite a few more buyers.

 Is Star Wars that popular in Japan?

wouldn't lightsabers destroy the hell out of their weapons anyways?

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Variety is always better. But I feel that Starwars characters just don't fit in the SC world. They should remind bonus characters that got nothing to do with the storyline.

Munkeh111 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
MaximusOptimus said:
Maybe only i Jap boxart. They usually get diff boxart. No Wii version? Or is it not coming to Wii??

There are a couple reasons. It's just a third party trend.

It's only the Japanese box art, but I think it's good to advertise such...appealing characters. The Star Wars series has a habit of making quite a bit of money, and is popular in many countries. Even if you hate the new characters, you have to admit that having Yoda or Darth Vader on the cover will attract quite a few more buyers.

Is Star Wars that popular in Japan?

I'm pretty sure Star Wars is popular in Japan. To what extent I don't know.

Maximus: To be honest, the difference in power between the platforms alienates a lot of developers. Not only that, but the Wiimote, well...let's be honest, it sucks for fighting games. See Soul Calibur: Legends if you want an idea of what it's like. A lot of games this generation are PS360 only, but we only focus on them because they're from large developers and they're more hyped.



Why does the light saber not cut through steel?

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tabsina said:
wouldn't lightsabers destroy the hell out of their weapons anyways?
Faxanadu said:
Why does the light saber not cut through steel?

 Not if the weapons are made of Cortosis weave, Rancor's skin, Mandalorian iron, Vibroblades, Phrik alloy, Electrum or Vonduun Crab's carapace as the Yuuzhan Vong use...

My point is, if you're going to over-analize a videogame, might aswell consider all the possibilities, lightsabers are known to cut through "most" other materials, but not all, and the swords might be on par.

On a side note: funny read if you're geeky enough to enjoy it:


Listen to the voice of reason, then do as I say.

@Faxanadu: in Ivy's case her blade is infused with the power of the soul Edge but as to how Mitsurugi's (and most other character's) blade isn't cut in two like butter I do not know.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"