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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ok, I'm back - big stories over the last two weeks?

Slimebeast said:
CrazzyMan predicts that MGS4 will move 1 million extra hardware in June-August alone.

Then there were those MGS4 spoilers all over the place last night. TBH it was quite entertaining to witness the panic and phear it caused.

Why? Because they were fake, or because it was amusing to see the chance of a game being ruined for possibly hundreds of people?



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shams said:
darthdevidem01 said:

then why are 80Gb bundles SELLING out everywhere....

WHy is PS3 SOLD OUT in UK in the 3 major retailers?

Do you actually have any QUANTITIES? 1000? 5000? 50,000?

It doesn't actually mean anything unless you attach numbers to it.

Or look at it this way:

 - "Others" is selling around 100k PS3s a week at the moment

 - this might increase to ... 150k? for the MGS4 launch

There might be 10,000 bundles - which represents 7% of the total PS3 sales for the week.


We all saw what happened with GTA - weekly sales spiked to 200% on the week it was released - and within 4 weeks it was back to normal.

I'm pretty sure MGS will have LESS of an impact on sales than GTA did - so maybe an extra 100k hardware in Europe (over a month), 100k in the US, and about 50k in Japan.

The Japan sales will be interesting - with the PS3 hovering around the 9k mark (weekly), be real interesting to see what level hardware hits on launch week - I'm guessing around 30k.

he forgot to mention that the mgs4 bundle isn't even available in the uk, yet the ps3 has sold out in 4 online retailers. i think mgs4 will sell less software compared to gta4, but because it's exclusive, it will sell alot more hardware.

Munkeh111 said:
@ shams, I think it will have a large effect in Japan, as there are limited edition bundles which I beleive are selling well (I know 1 of them has 100,000 copies)

Now you are speaking in riddles again.

darthdevidem01 said:

Y-Koron predicted 60K for Japan

In NA......they are getting 15K per retailer or even more than that. Its sold out on Gamestop online as well.

If it sells that well, its way beyond how the previous titles tracked. Just about everyone I know who is excited about MGS4 already has a PS3 (and pretty much got one at launch).


You talking about software or hardware? I thought the retailer preorders was around 200k - for software (so including bundles), so I can't imagine ONE retailer having 100k hardware bundles - just seems wrong.

60k would be an excellent week for the PS3 if true - even the biggest PS3 titles didn't get close to 60k (and they were much bigger titles than MGS4 for Japan anyway).


So when does it launch? This week right? Find out numbers soon enough then :) 


Gesta Non Verba

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I was talking about hardware overall for one of the limited edition bundles, but I am not sure, and I cannot remember where I saw it. I think it is for the coloured PS3s, not the gunmetal grey ones. I doubt that it can make 100k in HW, I think only like 60k is possible

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MontanaHatchet said:
Slimebeast said:
CrazzyMan predicts that MGS4 will move 1 million extra hardware in June-August alone.

Then there were those MGS4 spoilers all over the place last night. TBH it was quite entertaining to witness the panic and phear it caused.

Why? Because they were fake, or because it was amusing to see the chance of a game being ruined for possibly hundreds of people?

I have a sense of dark humour. That doesn't mean that I wanted anybodys game experience getting affected or ruined.

DOATS1 said:

shams said:


he forgot to mention that the mgs4 bundle isn't even available in the uk, yet the ps3 has sold out in 4 online retailers. i think mgs4 will sell less software compared to gta4, but because it's exclusive, it will sell alot more hardware.

Then that means even less.

Online retailers will have much smaller quantities - and the lack of it being available at retailers, would force purchasers online to get their purchase fix.

We all saw the hoolah when GTA4 hit - and that was BIG. Yet, hardware just hasn't changed. 


Yeah, I agree. This whole boycott thing is ridiculous. God help us if Nintendo decide to release a "kiddie" game, such as... Pokemon?

The irony is the people calling for the boycott wouldn't buy those casual games anyway - yet if Ubisoft released a good Wii exclusive, they would be all over it.

I agree that 30k PS3 for Japan would be good - but I think the legs are more important. Its better if it hits 20k, then stays around 15k for the entire year - rather than hitting 60k, then dropping down to 8k within a month. 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

What I have found so far is that the gunmetal grey one has sold out in Japan, according to the PS blog, but I haven't found any numbers yet

So was there much of a woohah about The Getaway cancellation, or Eight Days? Seemed REALLY significant to me.

PS - Afrika seems pretty sweet (although the terrain itself is a little bland), wish it was hitting the Wii.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

shams said:

I don't see MGS4 doing anything significant for PS3 hardware - but we'll see. Maybe extra 200k hardware over 1-2 months.

Boycotting Ubisoft is a joke - why?? I just don't get it. At least they are actually supporting the Wii. It makes perfect sense for them to spend the "mega" bucks on 360/PS3 titles IMO. When they do actually announce their big Wii titles at least they should be good. "Casual" gamers just don't care about high quality gfx, etc - so spending the time/money on it is silly.

You haven't seen the pics and vids. It's not the lack of major effort. It's the lack of even decent effort. Dogz uses graphics from the DS. I am not kidding. The biggest traditional game they showed looked like a PS1 game, that was ported to the Dreamcast. What really set it off was a ubisoft employee, who was a mod for their official forum, and he posted a long reply about how traditional gamers don't exist on the Wii, and that the Wii basically wasn't worth more than the effort they were showing.

And then a guy, who might have been a plant from Ubisoft, came here and bashed the Wii, and said the Wii didn't deserve any traditional games. The guy was permabanned, but the thought that Ubisoft was basically telling gamers what to think was what upset us the most, so a lot of us said we would boycott ubisoft, if that was what they thought of gamers (if they could dump on the Wii, what was next).

The next day or so, ubisoft stated that mod may be an employee, but he did not speak for ubisoft. So some of us are waiting until E3 to see if ubisoft is going to show the Wii any respect. We don't expect $20 million games, just games with more effort than made by interns. 

Oh yeah - also saw the Beyond G&E II announcement - sweet, loved that for the GC. Another reason for me to get a HD console (sometime).

Heard about the 90min cutscenes - its never been my sort of game, so sort of steering away from it in general (wrong person to comment on it). Sure its a good game though. Censoring reviewers is always a bad move though - story spoilers are one thing, but "features" is not. 


IMO - bring Babiez Partiez on. The posters here are just showing that they are on this board for "fanboy" reasons, rather than industry/business reasons. Not only will that title undoubtably sell well, it could conceivably move more hardware than MGS4 did (no, not joking!). The more different a title is, and the more "hardcore" gamers "hate" on it - the more I'm liking the title.

Its exactly the reason the Wii is dominating - its the console for everyone, rather than just being for "gamers".

It wasn't that game, it was that only Ubiday, those were the best graphics they showed for their Wii game. Their best graphics for the Wii.  


The whole Tecmo thing was pretty amusing :)


I don't believe for a second that SO4 will be a 360 "exclusive" (unless its in the RE4 definition of GC exclusive). SquareEnix are in this for business, not fanboy reasons (*cough* Konami) - I expect basically everything will either be DS, Wii, PSP or 360/PS3 (combined) exclusive. Design for the platform in question, do it well - but when multiple platforms are essentially "identical" - then hit them both.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see FFXIII turn up x-platform - we'll see.


Lots more Wii games for me :) Happy me!

(just give me Fatal Frame for now... looking sweet!) 

The game does look good. A few of the pics creeped some of us out.


A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs