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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

The Fury said:
To be honest, what chance is there of this being exclusive? Because we all know how powerful the X-box 360 is in Japan. I can only see one reason why this is on the 360 at all, and that's MS throwing money at SquEnix.

And I don't see why this is a failure on SCEJ part...although they seem to be doing little. A SquEnix game can go where SquEnix want to put it. and it make more sound choice to put it on the PSP or DS, then Wii, then PS3 or PS2 and then 360 for Japan.

I think chances are that it will take the Eternal Sonata route. Exclusive 360 in the West, PS360 in Japan. Outside of Japan 360 userbase is still bigger than PS3 and more RPG's are on the 360, which means there is an audience for RPG's on 360.

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makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ kasz it is almost certainly not an exclusive as they would have made a large fuss about it if it was

I don't know. Fanboys aside it's not like Star Ocean is the hugest franchise. If Suikoden 6 was a 360 exclusive would anyone make a big deal about it?

iclim4 most certainly would. :P

 Well once again fanboys aside.  

No reason to boycott SE or be pissed off at Microsoft. Sony is the one at fault here as they have all the cards in the HD arena. They have the larger userbase, they're a domestic Japanese company (thus they would understand Japanese business culture alot more the microsoft) but yet its Microsoft getting all the JRPG's. They must be doing something right and if its a little money then so be it. And please, its completely illogical for them to abandon Japan or the JRPG genre. LO has sold several hundred thousand more then Blue dragon (with lower sales in Japan!), Microsoft is creating demand for Japanese games in its userbase, and its working. Microsoft need more Japanese developer support if not for this gen then for the next.

Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ kasz it is almost certainly not an exclusive as they would have made a large fuss about it if it was

I don't know. Fanboys aside it's not like Star Ocean is the hugest franchise. If Suikoden 6 was a 360 exclusive would anyone make a big deal about it?

iclim4 most certainly would. :P

 Well once again fanboys aside.  

Can't wait for Suikoden 6 Wii lol....

animefobber said:
damn, the 360s raping the ps3 in the rpg department

 That's right, Sony can go and f*** themselves.  Where is starcraft?

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title

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not really interested in so4, but dont see why the ones with ps3 should complain anyway, its not like its announced as an exclusive for the 360. But i do wonder alot of those iwth 360 are not interested in jrpg, theyre more into shooters and stuff i think. so if so4 + others sells shit will there be anymore jrpg's for the 360? and if jrpgs sells shit on ps3 as well will the developers go for the wii? thats what i am concernedd about.

masterb8tr said:
not really interested in so4, but dont see why the ones with ps3 should complain anyway, its not like its announced as an exclusive for the 360. But i do wonder alot of those iwth 360 are not interested in jrpg, theyre more into shooters and stuff i think. so if so4 + others sells shit will there be anymore jrpg's for the 360? and if jrpgs sells shit on ps3 as well will the developers go for the wii? thats what i am concernedd about.
They've been selling like shit, which is why we're wondering why more keep getting announced. :|

Moneyhats.  That's the only answer.


remember before mc sed bioshcok was exclusive, wen it was only a time exclusive. Might b the same here

BengaBenga said:
The Fury said:
To be honest, what chance is there of this being exclusive? Because we all know how powerful the X-box 360 is in Japan. I can only see one reason why this is on the 360 at all, and that's MS throwing money at SquEnix.

And I don't see why this is a failure on SCEJ part...although they seem to be doing little. A SquEnix game can go where SquEnix want to put it. and it make more sound choice to put it on the PSP or DS, then Wii, then PS3 or PS2 and then 360 for Japan.

I think chances are that it will take the Eternal Sonata route. Exclusive 360 in the West, PS360 in Japan. Outside of Japan 360 userbase is still bigger than PS3 and more RPG's are on the 360, which means there is an audience for RPG's on 360.

You mean the Namco route.  SE are money whores.  I can't see them not releasing the game in other territories if the VA is already done for the 360 version.

FaRmLaNd said:
No reason to boycott SE or be pissed off at Microsoft. Sony is the one at fault here as they have all the cards in the HD arena. They have the larger userbase, they're a domestic Japanese company (thus they would understand Japanese business culture alot more the microsoft) but yet its Microsoft getting all the JRPG's. They must be doing something right and if its a little money then so be it. And please, its completely illogical for them to abandon Japan or the JRPG genre. LO has sold several hundred thousand more then Blue dragon (with lower sales in Japan!), Microsoft is creating demand for Japanese games in its userbase, and its working. Microsoft need more Japanese developer support if not for this gen then for the next.

Yes. You gotta give some credit to MS for trying. Also, like you're saying, it looks like MS has a long-term plan with all this - the Xbox3. I'm pretty sure they've realized by now that these J-RPGs hardly sell more than 500,000-1 million each and we don't even have to mention HW sales in Japan, so this gen is not their main motivation on this area.

So the conclusion is that MS is trying to build up a good reputation for the future, not just among Jap devs but slowly in the mindset of gamers too.