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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

Yes but timed exclusives tend to diminish the sales of the later version as the hype has died down. One of the reason the ps2 did so well was because of all the timed exclusives it got.

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makingmusic476 said:
masterb8tr said:
not really interested in so4, but dont see why the ones with ps3 should complain anyway, its not like its announced as an exclusive for the 360. But i do wonder alot of those iwth 360 are not interested in jrpg, theyre more into shooters and stuff i think. so if so4 + others sells shit will there be anymore jrpg's for the 360? and if jrpgs sells shit on ps3 as well will the developers go for the wii? thats what i am concernedd about.
They've been selling like shit, which is why we're wondering why more keep getting announced. :|

Moneyhats. That's the only answer.


 Actually, JRPGs have always sold like that, as long as they aren't called Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. People are just trying to make them out to be selling worse on the 360 than they actually are. They're pretty regular for JRPG sales, from what I've seen anyway.

BengaBenga said:
Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ kasz it is almost certainly not an exclusive as they would have made a large fuss about it if it was

I don't know. Fanboys aside it's not like Star Ocean is the hugest franchise. If Suikoden 6 was a 360 exclusive would anyone make a big deal about it?

iclim4 most certainly would. :P

Well once again fanboys aside.

Can't wait for Suikoden 6 Wii

 Ha.  Reminds me of Monster Hunter 3 Tri.  Niche game that only japanese people like... and no massive bragging on Wii.
Though then again Nintendo doesn't really massive brag about 3rd parties anyway.

Well, certainly a big deal for 360 owners, but I agree if it was exclusive Microsoft would have the word "Exclusive" written into the end of every speech, painted on every wall, flashing repeatedly on the screen in a bright neon strobe, and a blimp flying overhead with "Exclusive" painted on it in big read letters.

We know how they treat that word. If it was exclusive, they wouldn't shut up about it. Hell, they even bothered to mention Last Remnant was a timed exclusive (which would obviously be a much smaller deal). Still, like DMC4, this is a blow to PS3 exclusivity. Among HD consoles the exclusive really is practically dead.

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
makingmusic476 said:
masterb8tr said:
not really interested in so4, but dont see why the ones with ps3 should complain anyway, its not like its announced as an exclusive for the 360. But i do wonder alot of those iwth 360 are not interested in jrpg, theyre more into shooters and stuff i think. so if so4 + others sells shit will there be anymore jrpg's for the 360? and if jrpgs sells shit on ps3 as well will the developers go for the wii? thats what i am concernedd about.
They've been selling like shit, which is why we're wondering why more keep getting announced. :|

Moneyhats. That's the only answer.


Actually, JRPGs have always sold like that, as long as they aren't called Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. People are just trying to make them out to be selling worse on the 360 than they actually are. They're pretty regular for JRPG sales, from what I've seen anyway.

Correct really... 500K is great for most JRPGs i think.

Just the sales are happening in the US instead of Japan... and if they can get back some money along with it...


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naznatips said:
Well, certainly a big deal for 360 owners, but I agree if it was exclusive Microsoft would have the word "Exclusive" written into the end of every speech, painted on every wall, flashing repeatedly on the screen in a bright neon strobe, and a blimp flying overhead with "Exclusive" painted on it in big read letters.

We know how they treat that word. If it was exclusive, they wouldn't shut up about it. Hell, they even bothered to mention Last Remnant was a timed exclusive (which would obviously be a much smaller deal). Still, like DMC4, this is a blow to PS3 exclusivity. Among HD consoles the exclusive really is practically dead.

 yeh, this is what I meant, they would not leave it as ambigious if it was exclusive

naznatips said:
Well, certainly a big deal for 360 owners, but I agree if it was exclusive Microsoft would have the word "Exclusive" written into the end of every speech, painted on every wall, flashing repeatedly on the screen in a bright neon strobe, and a blimp flying overhead with "Exclusive" painted on it in big read letters.

We know how they treat that word. If it was exclusive, they wouldn't shut up about it. Hell, they even bothered to mention Last Remnant was a timed exclusive (which would obviously be a much smaller deal). Still, like DMC4, this is a blow to PS3 exclusivity. Among HD consoles the exclusive really is practically dead.

Exclusive or not, you're right about the concept fading out. How many major HD exclusives are left after MGS4? I can think of FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, Infinite Undiscovery, and... I can't think of any others. Not off the top of my head.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Kasz216 said:

Correct really... 500K is great for most JRPGs i think.

Just the sales are happening in the US instead of Japan... and if they can get back some money along with it...

That's absolutely right.  500K would be fine for Japan only sales of a JRPG, but Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon combined barely break 300K in Japan.  There is no arguing that this is a successful market on the 360. 

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
makingmusic476 said:
masterb8tr said:
not really interested in so4, but dont see why the ones with ps3 should complain anyway, its not like its announced as an exclusive for the 360. But i do wonder alot of those iwth 360 are not interested in jrpg, theyre more into shooters and stuff i think. so if so4 + others sells shit will there be anymore jrpg's for the 360? and if jrpgs sells shit on ps3 as well will the developers go for the wii? thats what i am concernedd about.
They've been selling like shit, which is why we're wondering why more keep getting announced. :|

Moneyhats. That's the only answer.


 Actually, JRPGs have always sold like that, as long as they aren't called Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. People are just trying to make them out to be selling worse on the 360 than they actually are. They're pretty regular for JRPG sales, from what I've seen anyway.

Wow I actually didnt notice this and I looked at the PS2 biggest JRPGs. It seems besides Kingdom Hearts, the next biggest is only Star Ocean at 1.3m worldwide according to VGChartz.

This makes the Lost Odyssey 0.7m sound alot better (although it deserves to sell more anyhow).

@ eagle eyes, I beleive it has no EU data anyway