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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumour: Metal Gear Solid (the first one, duh) Coming to XBLA

starcraft said:
My mistake people. Meant to put 2.

But seriously, with the production costs of this game, the added costs of duplicating the same data over many times to achieve the publicity of an unneccessary dual layer Blu-Ray disk and the PS3's small userbase?

Expect a port.

 How many PS3's need to be sold before people stop making this statement? The 360 got high cost exclusives when it's userbase was at or even lower than what the PS3's is now, and yet, production cost never meant a thing. Hypocrisy sure is annoying....... 

On topic:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there? 

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BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


But Kojima doesn't like compressing his shit.

That's why he took up a whole Blu-Ray Disk... right?

starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


 Like how Euphoria took out all the video and audio, and then compressed it, and it could only get to 120? No video and audio sure would be a pleasant experience....I guess. Different strokes.....

starcraft said:
My mistake people. Meant to put 2. and substance.


 Anyways, I just hope it makes it to the US store.  Have they released it on the HK store?  I hear that it is possible to buy from there as long as you alert your credit card company to the fact you'll be buying from Hong Kong.  And put up Suikoden while you're at it Sony.

Around the Network
starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


you reckon they could squeeze 2 discs worth of info into 350mb? that would be pretty impressive if i ever saw it.

DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


But Kojima doesn't like compressing his shit.

That's why he took up a whole Blu-Ray Disk... right?

Given Lionhead have said they can compress almost any data to one hundredth its original size without any significant loss...........


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Given Lionhead have said they can compress almost any data to one hundredth its original size without any significant loss...........


but surely that kind of compression wouldn't work on consoles, considering that consoles use files systems that are over a decade old.

No no no...Xbox fans will not buy this game because it has teh too many cutscenes and not enough FPS.

starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


 Then why are XBox originals still around the same exact size as the original DVD copies?

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