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Forums - General Discussion - where does it end ?

BengaBenga said:
I wanted to say something about crazy Americans here, but since rocket is on duty I'll keep myself from doing that.

Hold on a second. First of all, by "Americans" do you mean people specifically from the USA, or everyone in NA and SA, or who exactly?

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fkusumot said:
Kasz216 said:
fkusumot said:
Kasz216 said:

Plenty of parents do drugs and their kids aren't taken away.

Plenty of parents do drugs and get their children taken away. And this is where the argument comes to; what duty and in what circumstances does the state have to take action in the case of children? This story is from Canada and the specific laws are different there than in the USA. In the USA the laws vary from state to state. I don't find it troubling that the display of a swastika and the sign "14/88" on a seven year-old led to how this played out.

So you don't find it troubling that signs of a person's beliefs led to someones children being taken away.

No. The article specifically said that the father had put the swastika and "14/88" on the child. A father who draws a swastika on his seven year-old kids' body and lets them go to school like that is troubling enough. And as far as drugs go, as much as I love Amy Winehouse, if she ever has kids she's going to have to clean up her act if she wants to keep them.

No it doesn't. It says the child had a swastika and the 14/88 on herself. She very well could have drawn said things on herself. It wouldn't be out of place for a child.

Besides which, you've got to consider how it would be if any sign of belief on a child would be enough to start an investigation to get them taken away.  For example the star and crescent. 

Kasz216 said:

No it doesn't. It says the child had a swastika and the 14/88 on herself. She very well could have drawn said things on herself. It wouldn't be out of place for a child.

Besides which, you've got to consider how it would be if any sign of belief on a child would be enough to start an investigation to get them taken away. For example the star and crescent.

Yes it does. You didn't do your research. The original article in the Winnipeg paper supports my assertion. You might also consider that it's illegal in Canada to deny the Holocaust and the implications behind the swastika and the 14/88 symbol.