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Forums - Gaming Discussion - COD5 :world at war is set in WWII,co-op and vehicle in MP

WWII has been overdone? What about generic space aliens or generic shoot the teorrorist? Thats what the other 90% of FPS fall under (resistence, gears of war, doom series, quake series, Tom Clancy, army of two), so to say WWII is overdone....:P

Anyways, from all the features (4 player coop online) and the extra time given to production vs CoD3 this should be a good game. To dismiss it just cause it is wwii is stupid. Not only that, how many PACIFIC games do you see out there? Plus, the Japenese fought very differently than the Germans. Expect the enemy AI to be more willing to kill itself to get you.

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i'll buy this new cod because i liked cod2 alot better than cod4. cod4 was way too short, nothing new in the single player campaign and the online mode wasnt anything special after playing halo 3's forge. well thats how i feel, i know i am in the very small % of ppl who liked the older cod's over cod4, but is my opinion.





the ps2 vrsion of cod3 was fine i thought i loved the game then i went in to gamestop to pick up the ps3 version couple months later and they said it sucked so bad im confused did all the cod3 suck or was the ps2 version good or did i just love cod3 when everybody else hated it.

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

Shameless said:
PlayTM magazine also stats that Call of Duty 5 is set in the Pacific part of WWII.

Huh. Can't even think of one WW2 Japanese Theatre FPS.

Edit: Wait wait wait... new seemingly alien force?  Survivial horror?  Bwa?

I don't mind the World War II part. I'm alright with Treyarch, as I think they're a good developer who does quite well with Activision's constraints. But I hate hate hate vehicles in multi-player, since the retards who reach them first have no idea how to use them. If there are multi-player stages without vehicles, I'll consider it. If not...

P.S. I like how they're billing the suicidal assaults as a feature now: 'Sure, our AI's still incredibly retarded and hasn't evolved since Doom, but this time it's a feature.'

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Kasz216 said:
Shameless said:
PlayTM magazine also stats that Call of Duty 5 is set in the Pacific part of WWII.

Huh. Can't even think of one WW2 Japanese Theatre FPS.

Edit: Wait wait wait... new seemingly alien force?  Survivial horror?  Bwa?

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun.

I heard it sold pretty well in Japan for an FPS. That may be an urban legend, though. I'll have to verify that.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs