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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft puts Blu-Ray rumours to rest (again)

Bitmap Frogs said:
crumas2 said:
Torillian said:
I am curious how they're going to "rival Apple" today though if not with a BR related announcement.

They're going to announce a new video codec that can compress any 1080p movie down to 100 K bytes to allow for <5 second downloading, even on dial-up connections.  The only problem is they still haven't gotten the decompression component working...


 They could do something like that using R3Dcode - too bad you need a quadcore to play it at 60fps

 Yeah, but what kind of processor would be required for movie playing? I was under the impression that the standard for HD films was 24fps.

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Whats MS going to use if not Blu ray? :s do they expect all MS users to download games and movies in the future?:S

looks like they have dug a nice deep hole and they may end up lying in it :s

Maybe they could look into 4-Layer dvd, Hd-Vmd, and spark a new format war:) but they have to promote their i-hd software as the standard hd menu system for movie downloads and non-disk formats.

thekitchensink said:
They'd be foolish not to use Blu-Ray in the next Xbox, as even at the start of this generation, developers were complaining about the size limits of DVD. However, it's good that they aren't confusing the consumer even more by tossing it into the 360.

Why use Blu Ray when Toshiba are working on a type of SD come Flash device which based on the current market by 2011  could easily hold 50 - 100 gb.  Plus disc is old tech.



Blu-Ray player would make the new model 360 SKU  cost too much to manufacture. This would result in a $600 360 Blu-Ray SKU model. No thank you.

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Rock_on_2008 said:
Blu-Ray player would make the new model 360 SKU  cost too much to manufacture. This would result in a $600 360 Blu-Ray SKU model. No thank you.

Think $450. If they can drop the price $50 they can easily afford to spend another $100-150 fitting a blu ray drive and an appropriate decoder chip from AMD.


I don't see why people think MS is going to add blu-ray, or motion sensing, or any of those other rumors. It's far too late in the game for them to do that stuff, it wouldn't catch on, and nearly 20 million people would be left out if they did incorporate it into a new Xbox.

Username2324 said:
I don't see why people think MS is going to add blu-ray, or motion sensing, or any of those other rumors. It's far too late in the game for them to do that stuff, it wouldn't catch on, and nearly 20 million people would be left out if they did incorporate it into a new Xbox.


 Think of it like downloadable content. You buy earlier, and you get the game with everyone else then you can download the content or if you haven't bought yet, you can buy the game with it inside. Its fair either way. Even though it costs less to wait.
