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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Hype Thread

Here are the scores so far:
Final Fantasy XIII-10


Metal Gear Solid 4-9 

Fatal Frame 4-9 

Fable 2-8

Resident Evil 5-7

Resistance 2-7

Gears of War 2-5




Alan Wake-5

Final Fantasy Versus. XIII-5

Fatal Frame-4

Sonic: Dark Brotherhood-4 

Super Smash Brothers Brawl-4

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts-3

Disaster Day of Crisis-3 

SOCOM Confrontation-3 

White Knight Chronicles-2

Alone in the Dark-2

Animal Crossing wii-2 

Fallout 3-2

Monster Hunter 3-2

Killzone 2-2 

Infinite Undiscovery-1

Tales of Symphonia 2-1 

Pokemon Platimnum-1 

Around the Network

1 - MGS4: it's so close I can taste it
3 - Valkyria Chronicles
4 - Civilization revolution: this one came outta nowhere after the it
5 - WKC


1. Animal Crossing Wii
2. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
3. Guitar Hero: World Tour
4. Sonic Unleashed
5. Wario Land Shake

Kid Icarus or Zelda would be #2 easily if they were announced. Also high on my list are Oboru Muramasa, Monster Hunter 3, Fatal Frame 4, Fragile, and Alone in the Dark.

Wario Land Shake would be higher but we know too little about it right now. Guitar Hero is so high because I love what the people on YouTube have been able to do with it, and I like the drum set. Can't wait to import my favorit J-rock songs into this game (Riraito, Daybreak's Bell, D-tecnoLife, Zetsubou Billy, Ash Like Snow, etc.)

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Only game that I pre-ordered, Diablo 2.
Only game that I will pre-order, Diablo 3.

For everything else, I usually wait for at least 1 price drop.

1. Left 4 dead
2. Fallout 3
3. Starcraft 2
4. Star wars force unleashed.
5. Fable 2.


Around the Network

1. LBP
2. MGS4
3. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
4. Battlefield: BC
5. White Knight Chronicles

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

1- the conduit
2- new zelda game
3- sonic unleashed
4- mad world
5- banjo threeie(itll always be banjo threeie)


1 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl (European release)

2 - Tales 2
3 - Mad World
4 - Metal Gear Solid 4 (even though I don't have the console to play it)
5 - Resident Evil 5 (same)

I drink your milkshake.

starcraft II is actually the only game that I really want to play right now

1. Gears of War 2
2. Too Human
3. Infinite Undiscovery
4. Fallout 3
5. Fable 2