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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So I'm buying a Wii tomorrow...

@ Soriku: Yeah, this will be my first Nintendo console ever, so I was planning to do that all along.

I will check out fire emblem an Tos, I hope I can still find the GC version though.

I just called the store and they have more than 20 Wii's available, so I guess there is enough supply in Belgium :)

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Fire Emblem (GC & Wii): awesome and pretty darn tough.
Galaxy. Come on, it was GotY 2007.
RE4Wii - It's sooo much better than the GC/PS2 versions
Metroid Prime 3
RE:UC Only if you're a big fan of the RE storyline, than it's really cool.
No More Heroes - Can't really do anything wrong with an artstyle that great
LostWinds/Toki Tori/FF WiiWare - Pretty cheap, awesome games
Virtual Console!!!

Upcoming games have pretty much been covered

Don't buy Zack and Wiki.

If I had to go with two games, it would be:

Mario Kart Wii
Endless Ocean

Yes, I am serious.

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Zelda it´s a must have

No more heroes very fun and the final bosses for me the best

RE Umbrella i love this game but only if you paly with a friend

Mario Galaxy ( now i´m playing i have 67 start and several start are only for really harcore gamers for this i love this game)

I recommend you fire embled if you like srpg and have a good history

For me the best game of wii it´s metroid prime 3
this game have two parts

1- shotter part it´s very fun and the control are the best of all shotter on wii
2 puzzle part. Very good puzzles if you like zelda puzzles you like metroid 3

Around the Network
Zuhyc said:
@ Soriku: Yeah, this will be my first Nintendo console ever, so I was planning to do that all along.

I will check out fire emblem an Tos, I hope I can still find the GC version though.

I just called the store and they have more than 20 Wii's available, so I guess there is enough supply in Belgium :)

Sounds like Nintendo Benelux should send more Wiis to the Netherlands and less to Belgium!

I can't really believe there are so many Wii's over here available (I never see them on the shelves) but thats my word against two other Belgians =p.

if a good story is more important than gameplay & u like online shooters, why do u want to buy wii games?
Just save up for a 360 or ps3 games.

NHM is a must
Blast Works Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Geometry Wars: Galaxies Boom Blox Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure Elebits Mercury Meltdown Revolution

Soriku said:

Wii games have bad stories? >_>

 Well beat me but I really can't tell a Wii game that I own that haves a good story...But some games don't need them to be good  'SMG' as big example;....