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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So I'm buying a Wii tomorrow...

Thanks for the replies!

- Okami: I already played it on the PS2 and I didn't really like it.
- I might consider MOH:H2
- I already own RE 4 on my PS2, so I won't be buying that again.
- I have FF Tactics on my PSP and I really like it so I'll check out Fire Emblem!
- @ Soriku: I'll check out that list!
- I'm not into football so no Pro Evo for me :P

So I will buy the 4 games I have listed after MGS 4 and Crisis Core are finished. Now all I need to do is finf the money :(

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Galaxy, MP3, Brawl, LoZ.......That's all you need, those games will last a forever and a half


^ I played through RE:4 on gamecube and bought the Wii version the day it launched. It plays a million times better than the GC one. For $30 you really can't go wrong.

RE:UC is a pure shooter the story isn't that great but it is fun to blast zombies. If you don't like that sort of gameplay don't buy it.

As far as must haves go, you are missing Metroid Prime 3 from your list. It is the best FPS on the Wii and even if you haven't played the first two, you will still like the story. (I never played the first two so I can honestly say this)

MoHH2 is a good FPS but there is absolutely no story to speak of (other than the standard issue lone hero in WW2 fair). I bought it in Dec and haven't beaten it yet if that tells you anything. ( Iplan to this summer though, one of the first gmes on my list actually)

Zuhyc said:

Even though I'm pretty much a PS3 fanboy, I'm buying a Wii tomorrow with my sister. She's buying it for the party/non-games and Mario Kart, I'm buying it for the decent games :P

Get online on MK to see how decent you are :D


I highly suggest Metroid Prime 3.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Around the Network

Please... trust me. Buy Super Mario Galaxy first.

No brainer SSBB.
Anyway, is the wii available in ur area??

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

the games you listed are great

great games coming soon are
fatal frame
the conduit (online shooter)

Zuhyc, how is Wii supply (both hardware and big new software releases) in Belgium? In the Netherlands it has been pretty terrible since December 2007 (probably sold out because of Sinterklaas and never caught up with demand anymore) and since they're both part of Nintendo Benelux I could see a similar situation in Belgium.


thats the spirit!!

If you buy ANYTHING WITH SMG you will be disappointed by the other things!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey