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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1.05 million PS3s sold in Europe.

@ WiiGirl76

has way less power

Why would you want the PS3 to be less powerful?

If you are referring to electricity usage, it's just a small percentage of what the average HDTV setup is using. The average PC uses more electrity and it's just 20 Watts or so more than an XBox 360 which requires an additional power source if you hook up a HD DVD drive.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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The simple fact is all fanboys are annoying , i have had some dreadfull experiences online with wii fanboys and xbox fanboys . They arent any better or worse than the sony ones they are all the same bitter jealous types who cannot handle seeing anybody having fun . I have a wii and a ps3 at the moment i enjoy the ps3 more , but hey thats a personal opinion and should not be forced into other peoples faces . I just wished everybody would enjoy their gaming and is it not better to have three successful consoles , in the end the ps3 will do just fine just needs a price cut and a few more games to do well . Im glad nintendo are doing better , still have not forgiven them for the debacle over the N64 and the Gc here in the Uk but that is a different story , keep playing folks spend less time arguing you know it makes sense

Proud owner of Ps4/3ds xl/pc/vita/wii u and others.

Gamer till I die

WiiGirl76 said:

Then why the heck all the other websites say under 1 milion for others, including Europe? Gosh, speaking of fanboys... got the feeling we're dealing with a second Hus around here.

I don't hate the PS3 at all! If the thing will cost lower, has way less power and is twice as less the size it is now plus a bunch of nice games I'll import myself one from Japan right away! It are the PS3 fans I can't stand, who think they're more superb then other console gamers.

what other websites.... nextgen lol

I dont hate the wii, if it had more power more mature games and a legit racing sim id get one right now.  Its the wii fans i cant stand, who think they're more superb then other console gamers because their console is cheep.  


"The Wii I think is a piece of junk"

One perfect example of what I've just said.

It's not the console that makes people hate, it are the fans, correction... fanboys!

Hi WiiGirl76, what I said is my opinion only. My point is; I do NOT go over to Wii forums or even in PS3 forums and try to convince everyone that the Wii is crap only because that is what I think. I let people who enjoy the Wii alone, same goes for the X360. I defend in the PS3 forums, but I don't make a mission to put down other consoles in their forums.


For me, the PS3 has been an excellent machine. I love the Blu-ray playback, I have bought 30+ BD movies and they look fantastic on my 1080p LCD screen. I love that my PS3 upscales all my old DVD movies. I love that my PS3 plays MP3 straight from my Windows Vista Desktop. I love that I can sit in my livingroom and watch all the photos on my LCD straight from my Windows Desktop. I think Motorstorm is a blast to play, fun game. I've put down many hours on Oblivion, great game.

 There's a lack of games and PSN content, but that will change in time.

Euro 600k, 120k, 700k - 1.42 million sold

Euro 500k, 290k, 60k - 850k sold.

Thats what you get for making good games, hey ubisoft you listening ?

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Well, MikeB's link puts things more into perspective I think. That article talks about having sold through 1M in PAL territories, so not only Europe. I don't know if all of the other region on VG chartz is PAL, but for sure Europe and Australia are. That means VGchartz has that area at least on 900k now, and it could be even 950k. That isn't a big difference I think.

About the software numbers you added together Mike, don't forget that those numbers are sold to retail and not customers. So you can't just add them up like that.

@ koffieboon

I did add them up because companies like Insomniac/Sony won't receive additional cash if these units are sold to consumers. Only they potentially receive additional orders if the retailers are sold out of stock.

I agree it's a bit confusing to mix sold to consumers with sold to retailers, but I don't know how many units are still left in stock in Japan and America.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ ioi

No sales tracking method is perfect, VGchartz IMO does an excellent job, especially considering you are offering us a free service!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

I'm not sure how much one can trust that the sales numers in VGChatz are correct, but I think they're a pretty good indication of what the actual sales are.

Anyway, the longer into the lifetime of a console you get the closer the "estimated" sales numbers are to the actual sales numers.

Blue3 said:

what other websites.... nextgen lol

I dont hate the wii, if it had more power more mature games and a legit racing sim id get one right now. Its the wii fans i cant stand, who think they're more superb then other console gamers because their console is cheep.

Little birdie go cheep, cheep!