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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Before bedtime: For those that thought Banjo 3 wasn't a platformer.

It never looked like a racer to me. I saw less racing and more vehicular combat.

I'm sure that there will be racing components. SMG has racing without vehicles, after all. But this game looks more like an action/adventure title than a racer or a platformer.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Yes next gen of platforming is now racing and building machines haha. This is definetly what I want out of my platformers. Ya know not going to different worlds and collecting and stuff like that. I want racing and building machines. This is what I want of next gen platforming haha.

Oh that's pathetic, but I'm still intrigued about the game. This new Rare hasn't lost me yet with BK3. Probably because I'm such a big fan of the series.


its called "innovation" dude

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

its called "innovation" dude

Yea about as innovative as me stacking cheerios and calling it a pipe.

There's so much negativity geared toward BK3 because of that initial trailer...expectations have been lowered so much that the game stands a good chance of being a surprise hit if it's a decent final product...Rare can fall back on Viva Pinata 2 if BK3 bombs I know i'll be getting both games...

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

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alas.....Starcrafts spins are like that aren't they

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Banjo 3 will sell three times as much as Ratchet and Crark.

And get +90% on Gamerankings, and thus fullfill the definition of an AAA title. 

Rare makes the best games for kids, hands down.

erikers said:
The_vagabond7 said:
I don't see why their referring to it as a platformer makes it so. This isn't really a case closed thing at all.

Well, all you have to do is try looking at videos of the game in motion. You clearly had no knowledge of RTS games on consoles when you were pulling "facts" out about that before. Apparently you don't see a lot of things.

Jeese, I should report you for general jackassery. That attitude is totally uncalled for.


I have seen the game in motion and nearly the entire trailer was inside of a vehicle, they emphasized how building and using vehicles is the main aspect of the game. Just because they are calling vehicular combat "platforming" doesn't make it so.


 As for the topic you were talking about before (don't know why you'd even bring that up), just about everyone in that topic agreed with me that RTSs just don't work on consoles and whatever games you brought up weren't very good compared to their PC counterparts. I don't even remembing bringing "facts" into that argument or claiming anything as a "fact" in this one. So just calm yourself down, chillout, have a drink, take a few deep breaths, and then act like an adult.


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.


YEs & LBP will outsell Banjo 3......2:1 & get higher reviews

see I can do that to

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Oh and Slimebeast

HOW DARE YOU insult nintendo so much

they make the best games for kids....PDZ wasn't a decent game for kids.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey