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From what I have seen, they took everything that made the original Banjo-Kazooie games great and said let's not do that. Let's do something completely different. Instead of the characters having to rely on each others abilities in clever ways let's have them ride in a tank or fly a plane instead. It could be a great game but it is alienating it's original fans. Not a good idea in my opinion.

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Thats the main thing people. By all means, have your doubts. But dont let people like Darth pre-condition you towards believing that Banjo 3 will be a bad game.

Keep an eye on it and lets see what Rare can do.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


my thoughts summed up in your post......but oh wait that's called "innovation" isn't it.....{sigh}

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


people like darth = people who were fans of BAnjo disappointed with the new direction....

There are many of these around....stop living in denial

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

people like darth = people who were fans of BAnjo disappointed with the new direction....

There are many of these around....stop living in denial

No.  Tabsina is someone thats disappointed with the new direction.

You are a person who is ardently trying to redefine the word platformer to suit your own console-attacking needs, and is spouting untruths about a game that has received a positive reaction from the gaming press all over the VGC forums. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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positive reaction??

please I advise you to go & see the thread where BK 3 was revealed...OMG were people disappointed.

Atleast I don't get BANNED for flaming other consoles all the time like I feel you are no-one to judge anyone in that respect...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

positive reaction??

please I advise you to go & see the thread where BK 3 was revealed...OMG were people disappointed.

Atleast I don't get BANNED for flaming other consoles all the time like I feel you are no-one to judge anyone in that respect...

You realize I said positive reaction from the gaming PRESS don't you?  As in gaming publications that got to play the game.

For almost a year I wasn't banned once.  Then all of a sudden I got banned for three weeks of one month.  Once for taking an off-topic thread off-topic (literally not a joke), the second time for about 5 reasons, not one of which mentioned trolling,flaming or fanboyism, and then the third time for this comment:

"Lets see if [HAZE] is any better on a console capable of running it in HD............. "


But at the end of the day, if you need to say my opinion doesn't matter because I got banned in order to win an argument, well, I guess that says something about the integrity of your points. 



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


I didn't say your opinion doesn't count

but when you have been banned for constantly being a fanboy....calling other people fanboys and CONSTANTLY DEFENDING Xbox 360 titles

I feel you shouldn't be the one telling people this persons opinion doesn't count..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

I didn't say your opinion doesn't count

but when you have been banned for constantly being a fanboy....calling other people fanboys and CONSTANTLY DEFENDING Xbox 360 titles

I feel you shouldn't be the one telling people this persons opinion doesn't count..

Er.  I've never been banned for being a fanboy.  I've certainly never been banned for calling people fanboys, something I've NEVER done without provocation.  As for constantly defending 360 titles?  I guess thats your opinion, but I think you'll find there are more titles I haven't defended, than ones I have.

If you peruse this thread, you'll find I haven't said your opinion doesn't count, just that your opinion is wrong.  I backed my opinion up with quotes and arguments from previews and articles.  Did you? 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I can't believe the strong criticism this game has recieved by people, even when the previews are generally outstanding. : Jeff writes; "As a footnote, I just got a text message from one Ryan Davis, who claims “Banjo is effin sick.” He then went on to curse for reals, so I think you can safely say that we’re both pretty impressed with it."

IGN:"It looks wonderful, handles great, and has a hook that everyone from the most casual to most hardcore can lose themselves in. It's been kept a secret for a long time, but the wait was worth it and it's almost over. Banjo returns this November as the perfect way to keep your blood pressure down in between bouts with Gears of War 2."

Gamespot: "Nuts & Bolts looks like it will be a hoot to explore. The custom-made vehicles are obviously a major part of the game, and this feature will suck away hours of your life as you build then rebuild a range of machines to suit your needs. The single-player missions look like they'll provide a solid experience, and the riotous online multiplayer will be a great addition to the franchise. Nuts & Bolts is due to hit shelves later this year"

I think that will do to get my point across, which is that game sites are generally guite impressed and excited for this game. People are upset, but those people need to be open minded and make their decision on the game when it is actually out. In my opinion, this style of platforming looks way more fun than the other Banjo games.