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Of course it will be a platformer. Who said that platform games are about hopping on ...platforms?

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IF you think the only game RARE made that sucks is PDZ....then your a disillusion

tell me have you ever played a game called Donkey Kong Country?? If you play it you will realize what kind of crap RARE has been putting out for the last 10 or so years...after Goldeneye 64 anyway

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

epinefridis said:
Of course it will be a platformer. Who said that platform games are about hopping on ...platforms?

 As you say, it is a platformer, and nobody seems to get that just beacuse it has vehicles, does not mean that it is not a platformer. It had changed a bit to counter LBP with its creation aspects, but it is still a platformer, just with vehicle bits

Also, I think that many of the people who worked on Goldeneye went on to work at Free Radical on the timesplitters games (and Haze....)


how is it countering LBP?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@Munkeh111 Thats absolutely true. And look what they've done...

Once again. Have you palyed Kameo? If not SU and stop bringing Wii Shovelware Outter Crap as an example for what a company can achieve. All the big developers have somehow managed to release outter crap for Wii. How original hah?

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Ofcourse I have played Kameo....n you know what its nowhere near their usual AAA quality...

as for wii bringing out shovelware..why are you even bringing that into the discussion....if you like platformers so much YOU should be buying a wii

Slightly biased aren't we...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darth, this is descending to the point of childishness.

The game is without doubt a platformer. SMG and LBP each innovate in their own way, do you no longer consider them platformers?

Name one feature of platforming that Banjo Kazooie doesn't have?

Or is your entire "its not a platformer" argument based around "WTF? Vehicles?"

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

The game is about using platforming devices to construct vehicles and other tools you'll need to complete platforming tasks. The only negative reactions have been from people that wanted another 'traditional' platformer, even though those same people were overjoyed when Nintendo revealed the non-traditional SMG.

The game is a platformer through-and-through, but its certainly innovative.

Hell, you could say its more of a platformer than SMG. In Banjo you have to collect your parts and build your own vehicle.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Some quotes from Wikipedia:

"Platformers frequently borrow elements from other genres like fighting and shooting"

"These games are characterized by their use of a platform game structure to drive a game whose challenge is derived primarily from puzzles"

"As long as the platform mechanic remains a prominent part of the gameplay, it may still correctly be termed a platformer"

From what we have seen and heard, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts fits all of these requirements to a tee.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@ darth, all the creation stuff, but it is not quite a match up

Anyway, I think I may have to add it to my sig that Banjo is not a racer and it is still a platformer and starcraft is 100% on the money