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Forums - General Discussion - friendships..

MeowTheMouse said:

what do friendships mean to you ?

what are u prepared to do for a friend ?

money > friends ? friends > money ?

in all honosty.. even if u wouldnt give a shit..  just dont say u could grow wings and fly for a friend.. and u know u wouldnt do that cause u cant..

im just curious of how u people think out there.. ive been stuck in the arab world my whole life.. and i think i got the biggest back stab any one can get.. lets make this an interesting topic :]

You got only joke replies because you didnt provide much material for a discussion. No one will admit that money is more important than friends btw, even if that's the truth.

You live in Bahrain, interesting.

Now, tell us your story.

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@ Slimebeast
u know when u are the "cool guy" around ? and u try to look high to people instead of looking down and stepping on them ?
this is me.. im not trying to show off.. but i created my own group of losers in school, the other "cool guys" always told me why the heck do i walk with those losers but i ignored those silly comments people are equal to me.. the only people i hate are the ones who look down to others! i had a much bigger goal in my head, i always dreamed of changing the world and making it a better place.. this was my first step to that dream, i saw hope and potiential in those "losers"
the group started as me and my new friend at my new school, our group started growing and we started becoming populer, and i was really getting populer with the girls and every one started loving me.. except for my closest friends.. they were starting to get jelouse and envy me.. after all what ive done to them.. i remember when i used to tell them that our group is diffrent and we are friends cause we love each other not cause we have needs love money, home work help etc..
long story short.. i could go for hours telling u my life experiance.. i went through a operation in my jaw.. it was a near death experiance.. i almost died.. and it was horrible and i couldnt eat for 6 months.. my mouth was shut and i was growing weaker and weaker.. every one visited me while i was in the hospitle except for my closest friends.. i didnt really know what was going on and i was asking where the hell have they been.. i could even hardly talk at that time..
in the end.. people came to me and told me that my friends were telling them that i was back stabbing them.. and for some reason every one were believing them.. ya they were really good back stabbers! and i was so shocked ! i almost killed my self from the stress and depression.. at the same time.. i had family problems ( mom and dad were fighting.. almost got a devorce.. family fighting over money etc.. ) and on the other hand.. my closest friend.. the person i held too close to my heart.. left me behind.. we were almost lovers.. i built my dreams with her and as simple as that *POOF* she is gone, now i thank god i never loved her, even though.. its really hard for me to look at her regreting what she did.. sometimes its easier to build then to rebuild..
that was one hell of a experiance ! wow its true when they tell u " what doesnt kill u makes u stronger "
sorry for being emo :( it just hunts me from time to time..
its just hard for me to be back stabbed.. i build my relations with people based on trust.. losing a friend is like losing a part of me.. :<

sorry for spelling mistake or if u feel that im trying to show off.. :(

MeowTheMouse when you will have a full time job and a wife like your friends will do you will lose friends.....Just warning you..

If your rich you'll have a lot of friends...

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losing them is way too easier then being back stabbed :P
i can lose friends.. but its too hard for me to get back stabbed

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supermario128 said:
If your rich you'll have a lot of friends...

"friends are quality not quantity" this is why i left lots of my friends behind, and im starting to regret building my relations on trust.. ooh well its just my past i was too naive


I enjoyed your story about creating your own pack out of losers.

I guess you helped them to become too strong and confident, lol.

my story remind me of how much we dont care for other humans.
its just like religion over here, people start praying and stop doing bad things on exam days :P
every one just wants to "have fun" *sigh* sometimes i feel that im an alien for caring about people :

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