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rocketpig said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Q_A_X said:
Get a PS3.

Better games, better graphics, free online, better controller, Blu-Ray player, looks nicer than the 360, etc...

There is nothing in the 360's favour.

Agreed buy a PS3. PS3 is better than 360. FF XIII + MGS 4 + GT 5 + God of War 3 = PS3 Win.

I love it when you list games that aren't even released yet. It's even better when you only list unreleased games.

I love it wh.....nope, cant do it.  I can't even pretend to enjoy those types of posts from Rock_on anymore.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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colonelstubbs said:
ToastyJaguar said:
colonelstubbs said:
allergic said:
buy a 360. More games, best multiplats, great pad, unique live, a lot of exclusive in 2008 (gow2, banjo3, vp2, fable2, too human, tales of vesperia, infinite undiscovery), lower price, best support

HAHAHAHAHA dont be ridiculous. The sixaxis and dual shock trample all over the 360s shitty pad.

On Topic:

Buy a PS3. Better exclusives, more powerful console, more reliable console, free online, Blu-ray, eventual backwards compatibility, rechargable non battery operated controllers as standard....

You know it makes sense

Ok Colonelstupid... i don't want to say which one is better but your posts just don't make sense.

Have you even held a 360 controller? Alot of people like it so i wouldn't say it is shitty, so i would take back that comment if i were you because "you know it doesn't make sense"

Ignoring the hilarious colonelstupid comment (must have taken you hours to come up with that gem) yes of course i have held a 360 pad. I also held a pad for the original xbox. I have played for many hours on Halo 2 and 3, and im sorry, but for FPS the playstation controller is better. And for sports games. And racing games.

I would very much like to meet you in person and see if you call me stupid to my face. I would guess not

I don't like calling people names but I just couldn't help it when i saw your post and i've noticed that your overall tone has sunk to this level on a wider range of your posts. You sound to me like you are bringing in some kind of football fanatacism to your console war, which is definately a bad mixture.



rocketpig said:
colonelstubbs said:
allergic said:
buy a 360. More games, best multiplats, great pad, unique live, a lot of exclusive in 2008 (gow2, banjo3, vp2, fable2, too human, tales of vesperia, infinite undiscovery), lower price, best support

HAHAHAHAHA dont be ridiculous. The sixaxis and dual shock trample all over the 360s shitty pad.

LOL. You keep rocking that controller designed around a d-pad and I'll keep enjoying a controller built for hands larger than a six year old with an analog stick positioned right where your left thumb naturally sits.

PS. Convex triggers are teh suck. I have no idea why Sony thought those were a good idea. They manage to continually take an outdated controller and make it worse.

I don't really want to talk about the individual systems but I would like to talk about the controllers here.

The Sixaxis controller is decent; as far as controllers go, it's not bad.  After using numerous 3rd party ones throughout the years, I can safely say that it's definitely not too shabby.

However, the 360 has an amazing controller.  If it's d-pad style/location didn't suck to infinity and beyond as well as its R1/L1 feeling somewhat odd, it'd be an amazing controller.  A friend of mine also had the triggers on two of his controllers die on him (mine are still living thankfully).  I have a 360 controller for my PC (but not a 360) because it really is a great controller. 

It actually reminds me a bit of my old xterminator:

Yeah, it looks awkward as heck but it was surprisingly comfy...

Yeah, say what you will about the 360 as a whole but the controller is pretty damned hard to fault.

I think people defend the DualShock/Sixaxis more out of habit than anything. For many people, it's been all they used for the past decade but that doesn't mean it's the best controller around. The left analog is in the wrong place, it's too easy to slam your thumbs together mashing the analogs, it's too small for people with larger hands, the L2/R2 triggers are a joke, etc. etc. etc.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Hawkeye said:
BMaker11 said:
He said that you guys helped him make a decision, but I still can't tell what he wants, so I'll give my input:

Get a 360 if:
Halo and Gears are the big games for you. Sure, there's things like Crackdown or Dead Rising, but from my perspective those are the types of "good" games that make the library more robust. The PS3 has those same types of good games. The 360 also has LO, Blue Dragon, etc if you like that, but since both systems have/will have RPGs, its simply a matter of which ones you'd rather play

Get a PS3 if:
Since you want to play all those wonderful PS2 games, get a PS3 for the BC, along with a slew of good games like Ratchet, Uncharted, HS, and, contrary to many people's beliefs, multiplats DO exist on the PS3, so COD4, GTA4, etc are on there too. Also, I saw your list of PS2 games that you want to play, and most of them will have sequels exclusively on the PS3, so that should really seal the deal if you plan on picking up this system. Also, it doesn't break ;) jk jk And btw, MGS4 is coming out Thursday, if that means anything

If PS3 got tons of great RPGs that would be awsome. I don't know of any coming out though other than disagaea 3. Also, if I don't like FPS, you feel that 360 library doesn't have enough variety to stand on its own vs PS3? Really I think they are both great systems. Gotta wait until at least E3 though and see if PS3 gets tons of announcemnts or Wii or if 360 conitunes getting lots of games...

 Never said that. It's just that Halo and Gears were the big pushers on 360 hardware, so they are toted as "the big guns". Then, when looking at the rest of the library, you see the likes of Crackdown, Dead Rising, Lost Oddysey, Left 4 Dead (coming soon) etc, which, in totality, do cover a WIDE range of genres....but these aren't "big games" just like Ratchet, Heavenly Sword, etc. aren't "big games" for the PS3. That's why I said it's a matter of which ones you'd rather play, when you factor in "great" games for both systems along with the "above average" games. 

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LOL @ rock on

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Great day to be 360 owner!!

rocketpig said:
Yeah, say what you will about the 360 as a whole but the controller is pretty damned hard to fault.

I think people defend the DualShock/Sixaxis more out of habit than anything. For many people, it's been all they used for the past decade but that doesn't mean it's the best controller around. The left analog is in the wrong place, it's too easy to slam your thumbs together mashing the analogs, it's too small for people with larger hands, the L2/R2 triggers are a joke, etc. etc. etc.

 Controllers are completely subjective. To be perfectly honest I like the xbox controller more for shooters but who would have thought that off setting an analog stick would make things more comfortable? Sony patented the design so Microsoft by default had to move things around. In a way the patent worked in their advantage. On the other hand you have to give Sony credit because they were the pioneers in controller design with the PS2 and original PlayStation.

This thread=epic failure. You'll only get biased remarks. Buy whichever you want.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

It's funny this tread hasn't been locked yet. MODs where are you?