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rocketpig said:
Yeah, say what you will about the 360 as a whole but the controller is pretty damned hard to fault.

I think people defend the DualShock/Sixaxis more out of habit than anything. For many people, it's been all they used for the past decade but that doesn't mean it's the best controller around. The left analog is in the wrong place, it's too easy to slam your thumbs together mashing the analogs, it's too small for people with larger hands, the L2/R2 triggers are a joke, etc. etc. etc.

 Controllers are completely subjective. To be perfectly honest I like the xbox controller more for shooters but who would have thought that off setting an analog stick would make things more comfortable? Sony patented the design so Microsoft by default had to move things around. In a way the patent worked in their advantage. On the other hand you have to give Sony credit because they were the pioneers in controller design with the PS2 and original PlayStation.