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Forums - Sony Discussion - What good SRPGs are out/coming out for PS2 and PS3?

colonelstubbs said:
Valkyria has one of the most unique visual styles ever....i would say its worth buying a PS3 just to play that, but you should buy a PS3 because in technical terms its the most accomplished of the three next gen systems.

And it has MGS4

Cause MGS4 is the pinacle of SRPG

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Shameless said:

I couldnt agree more.  SRPGs are the most boring genre of games ever created.  They should use them to treat insomnia.

Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

Feel free to add me ...

PSN ID - jedson328
XBL Gamertag - jedson328


jedson328 said:
Shameless said:

I couldnt agree more. SRPGs are the most boring genre of games ever created. They should use them to treat insomnia.

 I must be weird. I also really really like harvest moon, yet kinda dislike FPSes becuase they are boring when you aren't in a gufight an too intense when you are... I dunno XD

Thank for the help guys. If I get a PS3, it will definatly be when there is a new BC model... I don't want MGS4 

Kasz216 said:
Hawkeye said:
are there alot of PS2 strategy Rpgs as well? I brief search revealed that there are 2 disgaea games and a game called "la pucille" by the same people. Also I read in IGN white knight chronicles or something like that is coming out...
on a side note, it there any backwards compatible PS3 even available on the market?

Oh yeah. I've got a ton of PS2 SRPGs.

Also their are a lot of awesome PS1 RPGs you may not have got your hands on like Front Mission 3 and Tactics Ogre. Which honestly beat any of the PS2 SRPGs... but they are cool as well.

Phantom Brave is currently my favorite Nippon Ichi strategy game.

The story is the weakest but the gameplay is the strongest in my opinion.

 Is PS3 compatible with PS1 games? Also, are there any other good SRPGs for PS1? I know FFT is awsome, but I'm playing the remake on PSP. Also, is Tactics Ogre worth the $70 it costs on ebay?

whats up with the letters infront of rpg? someone explain that to me?

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CaptainPrefrences said:
whats up with the letters infront of rpg? someone explain that to me?

 It stands for strategy. Instead of of having your team and enemries face each other and pick off a menu like in FF (lame) or activly battling like a very shallow fighting game ala Tales (cool) you move units on a little grid and pick attacks from a gaint list. The stories are as good as normal RPGS, but ususally there is much more character custimization. Most SRPGs also reqiure strategy, but not all. Ex FFTA for GBA has crap story and no strategy, but great character customization, so I really liked it. 

pearljammer said:
Hawkeye said:
are there alot of PS2 strategy Rpgs as well? I brief search revealed that there are 2 disgaea games and a game called "la pucille" by the same people. Also I read in IGN white knight chronicles or something like that is coming out...
on a side note, it there any backwards compatible PS3 even available on the market?

There are numerous SRPG's to choose from on the PS2. La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave, Disgaea 1 & 2, and even Chaos Wars is a new one that looks quite promising.

 For the love of god turn off the english VA if you buy this.

Yakuzaice said:
pearljammer said:
Hawkeye said:
are there alot of PS2 strategy Rpgs as well? I brief search revealed that there are 2 disgaea games and a game called "la pucille" by the same people. Also I read in IGN white knight chronicles or something like that is coming out...
on a side note, it there any backwards compatible PS3 even available on the market?

There are numerous SRPG's to choose from on the PS2. La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave, Disgaea 1 & 2, and even Chaos Wars is a new one that looks quite promising.

For the love of god turn off the english VA if you buy this.

You're not kidding, this clip had me laughing for quite a while after catching it yesterday. Keeee keeee keeee keeee..... golden.

The best part is at around 5:15.