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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else disappointed by Metroid Prime 3?

I realise it's a bit late to make a thread like this; I wanted to do it before, but I guess I just forgot.

I hear everyone calling Metroid Prime 3 a great game. Review scores were great and it is part of the essential Wii collection. Since everyone has this opinion, please note that I am not saying that the game IS bad. I can see the huge technical achievement, the near flawless controls, and the improvements over its predecessors, and I respect other people liking it - you'll probably be right. But was I the only one who had absolutely no fun at all playing it? Who found the atmosphere highly unpleasant, the gameplay uninteresting, and the part where you collect the energy cells one of the worst segments of a game I have ever seen? (For me it was the decisive factor to say 'ok, fuck this game, let's play some more SSBM. I finished it eventually months later, but wasn't motivated to complete the game). I had high hopes for the game, but it failed to make its promises come true for me. Is there anyone else who felt like wasting their time playing it?

I'm not the kind of guy to bash titles which I know a lot of people enjoyed, so please let me restate that I know Metroid Prime 3 is a good game. I just didn't like it.

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The only thing I do agree with your post is the fetch quest with the energy cells. Other than that it is the best of the prime series imo. I can't believe you had no fun. There is far less backtracking, and more explorations imo, and that alone made it better for me. The controls and graphics were a nice adition too. So do you have a specific reason for not having fun? Did you like the other prime games?

Nope. The most epic bosses I've ever fought, best controls ever in an adventure game, and the coolest level I've ever played (the destroyed starship).

I really need to get one of those CD repair kits and fix the scratch my friend put into my MP3 disc. :(

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I don't see any other Metroid games in your collection. I'm guessing that you had a different set of expectations for what a Metroid game was supposed to be, as it's anything but your typical FPS, and many argue that it isn't an FPS at all. Metroid Prime is a Metroid game with FPS elements, not an FPS with Metroid elements.

The only disappointment I felt after playing Metroid Prime 3 was that there aren't any new Metroids announced.

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The final couple of hours are probably some of the best gaming moments I've been able to be a part of. Unfortunately, that great moment is somewhat lifted by the fetch quest (aka power cells).

It's unfortunate, but this is still a fantastic game, and I had a blast playing it. It's a shame you didn't have more fun with it, but I appreciate you for at least being civil with your opinions.

I really enjoyed MP3, but I did find the lack of enemies a bit, ah, lonely? Seriously, there were vast sections of that game with little to no combat. I realize it isn't an FPS, but...

Well this really was the same as all the other 3d metriods.... i dont see whats so different lol.

I loved the first two but i hated the 3rd because of the controls... that messed the game up for me. if i can play with a GC controller id say its prolly the best one but i hate motion controls that i can not turn off lol

Better watch out for the Metroid purists HELLFISH, they can be a nasty bunch of folks.

I was disappointed. I didn't like the travelling between worlds, I felt much better in one big world. By doing this back-tracking was killed, and having multiple landing zones for your ship even mad it worse. I loved backtracking in the first two Primes.
Metroid Prime 3 was so linear compared to the first two games.
And as if that wasn't enough, the music sucked. I only loved some of the tracks, and some others were even annoying! Kenji Yamamoto did a better job on the previous games.
However, it was still a great game, I would rate it 7,5/10 or 8/10 or something.

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