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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best PS3 video that I have ever seen

SnakeEyez said:
disolitude said:

While Ninja Gaiden 2, Alone in the dark, Unreal 3 (superior to ps3), Left 4 Dead, Too Human and Fable 2 will be rocking my xbox until gears of war 2 comes out.

How so? Last time I checked, theres no keyboard and mouse support for the 360 version and Microsoft doesnt allow user-generated content, how is it superior? (actually asking)

 Its superior because you can have a friend come over and both of you can play online death match split screen. Not everyone I know has a 360 and out of those that have a 360, not everyone will buy Unreal 3. I have a 58 inch screen here and freinds come here every week to play this way we can enjoy unreal online rather than playing against each other 1 on 1 death match.

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LongLiveTheBeatles said:
disolitude said:
This made me dare you post this and say this isn't biased?

I stopped watching around the time they said PS3 bluray reads data faster than the DL DVD drive int he 360...thats not called bias...its called LIES!

In any case, PS3 will be collecting dust in my house after mgs4 is done...until Killzone 2 comes out next year...if that turns out good. I may rent Resistance 2...but I did not like the first one.

While Ninja Gaiden 2, Alone in the dark, Unreal 3 (superior to ps3), Left 4 Dead, Too Human and Fable 2 will be rocking my xbox until gears of war 2 comes out.

All this video shows is that you can have more features (and lose shitload of money by selling console below cost) and still not have any games to compete with a system that has less features.

I can almost promise the next Resistance will be not only be a great game but almost Revolutionary. I would seriously buy that game. Do you know what they're planning to do with the online?

I read about online and it sounds really good. But I'm still not sure the core gameplay is good enough if they follow the blueprint part 1 laid out...

@disolitude... Well if playing Split-Screen is such a high priority to you, then yes, the 360 would be superior, so your right.

But we all know the Unreal franchise/series is known for its enormous modding community. So big that Nvidia hosts the 'Make Something Unreal Contest' where they give out $1 million dollars (Although I believe its not actual cash, but electronic equipment worth that much) to the top winners

Games like Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Team Fortress 2, Quake : Enemy Territories (?), all came from the modding community (Not neccesarily from UT mods)

With mods, you can theoretically completly build Halo3 (Levels/Characters/Weapons/Physics/Sounds), or a car racing game, or a snowboarding game, the skies the limit with mods... Even the exclusive 'UT3 Mods' the 360 will be getting, you better believe that will be on the PS3/PC via mod...

But from what you said, SplitScreen seems to be more important, and I understand, Id rather splitscreen game then online game myself, but Mods is where its at :)

@disolitude, instead of displaying ignorance, why don't you tell us what's wrong with the video

I like this one better (beware, not very high quality ... but epic win none the less.. and unbiased)

Check out my game about moles ^

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^^^Now that's a video I can endorse, Staude!

wow sure are alot of "fanboyism" in that video from someone who apparently isn't a "fanboy"

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

I know you said he's not a fanboy. But in the tags it does say "360" and the word "Sucks" next to it. Was an informative video about what was good about the PS3 at least.

 Edit: The RGB range seems to make quite the difference when set on full. Do you adjust that in the PS3 settings?

Lol at the Dell/X360 part, hadn't seen that before.
But still, that video is biased like fuck!

Naum said:
wow sure are alot of "fanboyism" in that video from someone who apparently isn't a "fanboy"


My thoughts exactly. :p Some sweet cherrypicking going on in that video too. :p It made me laugh.  


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