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Munkeh111 said:
@ garcian, you can hardly enjoy Saints Row, GRAW or Call of Duty 2, all have been superceded (even if it GTA IV that beat Saints Row), ME should be listed as a console exclusive

 I stand by my listing Saints Row and GRAW; saying that they've been "superceded" is like saying that nobody can enjoy Super Mario 64 now that Mario Galaxy has come out. CoD 2 is iffy, true, but I figured that I'd list it for completion's sake, since someone who likes the single-player campaigns of the CoD series (like me) might get some enjoyment out of it.

Thanks for the catch on Mass Effect, though; I forgot it had been released for the PC already.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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Garcian Smith said:

Never buy a console for future games. Look only at the present. If a console isn't worth it now, then either wait to buy it until a sufficient number of good games come out, or don't at all. Those future games could turn out to be mediocre or just bad, or they could be canceled, or whatever.

With that in mind, here's where the two HD consoles currently stand. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from it.

Notable X360 Exclusives: Halo 3; Mass Effect; Forza 2; PGR 4; DoA 4; Dead Rising; Crackdown; Ninja Gaiden 2; Saints Row; Ace Combat 6; Kameo; Eternal Sonata; Lost Odyssey
Notable X360 Console Exclusives (Also appear on PC): Bioshock; Gears of War; Tom Clancy's GRAW; Call of Duty 2; Viva Pinata; Condemned
Notable XBLA Exclusives: N+; Pac-Man Championship Edition; Marble Blast Ultra; Cloning Clyde; Switchball; Undertow; Assault Heroes 1 & 2; A whole bunch of board and card games
Other Notable Games/Versions That Don't Appear on PS3: Bully: Scholarship Edition; Rockstar Games Table Tennis; Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved; Rez HD; Ikaruga; Doom XBLA; Alien Hominid HD
Notable multiplatform games that are better on X360 than PS3: The Orange Box (Technical problems on PS3); Splinter Cell Double Agent (Not as graphically proficient); F.E.A.R. (Technical problems on PS3); Lost Planet (PS3 version graphically inferior)

Notable PS3 Exclusives: Metal Gear Solid 4 (Might as well include this); Uncharted; Ratchet & Clank: ToD; Resistance: FoM; Motorstorm; Hot Shots Golf; Heavenly Sword; GT5: Prologue; SingStar
Notable PS3 Console Exclusives: Unreal Tournament 3
Notable PSN Downloadable Exclusives: Super Stardust HD; Warhawk; PixelJunk Monsters; Everyday Shooter; Calling All Cars
Other Notable Games/Versions That Don't Appear on X360: Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: None that I can think of

 A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.

not a very good comp in my opinion. anyway do you prefere shooters or JRPG thats the question. Plusssssssssssssss i think HALO 3 might get a pc port so

TheRealMafoo said:
Garcian Smith said:

 A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.

The problem with many of those is that the differences are only arguable differences, whereas the differences in the 360's favour are far greater


Munkeh111 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Garcian Smith said:

 A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.

The problem with many of those is that the differences are only arguable differences, whereas the differences in the 360's favour are far greater


 Well, I kind of agree. The delta between them is greater, but if you bought the worst one (Orange Box on the PS3), and played it, you would get the same level of enjoyment, so I am not sure any of the differences really matter. It's really just for bragging rights.

Around the Network
Dno said:
whoa whoa fanboyish on this thread huh?
OT SE has never messed up on a main series final fantasy game and they will not start now with this one. Halo 3 is completely over rated and you will be bored in 2 weeks. (i was) plus you should not forget all the other bounses ps3 has.

I say get a 360 now (because it seems u want one) then get a ps3 when ff13 comes out... those will prolly not be the only games you will get there are plenty of games on both systems to hold you over.

 I'd disagree with you on 7,8,10 and 12... which were all failures in their own way.

TheRealMafoo said:
Munkeh111 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Garcian Smith said:

A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.

The problem with many of those is that the differences are only arguable differences, whereas the differences in the 360's favour are far greater


Well, I kind of agree. The delta between them is greater, but if you bought the worst one (Orange Box on the PS3), and played it, you would get the same level of enjoyment, so I am not sure any of the differences really matter. It's really just for bragging rights.

 I'd disagree on that.  The early PS3 games like that are just less playable in general since it's more then just graphics problems.

Rock_on_2008 said:
FF XIII is a JRPG and Halo 3 is a FPS. Two completely different games. Not a fair comparison. I do not think Halo 3 will be ported to PC.

FF XIII compared to Lost Odyssey is a better comparison both are JRPG games and exclusive for their respective consoles. FF series more popular and FF XIII will sell millions more and get better reviews (90%). Lost Odyssey sold measly numbers but had good review scores around 80% average.

 Had lost oddessy been named FFXIII and FFXIII lost odessy i bet the reverse would be true.

Munkeh111 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Garcian Smith said:

A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.

The problem with many of those is that the differences are only arguable differences, whereas the differences in the 360's favour are far greater


 Yep; I only included games where the graphical and/or technical differences are so obvious as to be not debatable. The only one on your list that might not be debatable is DMC4, but the install time and hard drive space issue tilt it about equally in the 360's favor, IMO.

@ TheRealMafoo: It's not just for bragging rights. Without going into the whole "graphics as enjoyment" issue too deeply, I'll just say that purely graphical issues do matter, especially when the differences are as stark as, say, those in Lost Planet's case. As for The Orange Box, the issues aren't purely skin-deep; the PS3 port also suffers from longer load times, framerate stuttering issues, and smaller technical issues in Team Fortress 2.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Nintendo Zealot said:
Dno said:
whoa whoa fanboyish on this thread huh?
OT SE has never messed up on a main series final fantasy game and they will not start now with this one. Halo 3 is completely over rated and you will be bored in 2 weeks. (i was) plus you should not forget all the other bounses ps3 has.

I say get a 360 now (because it seems u want one) then get a ps3 when ff13 comes out... those will prolly not be the only games you will get there are plenty of games on both systems to hold you over.
  Never messed up a main series FF? What about FF8 and FF9?

 FF8 and 9 were great so i have no idea where you are going with this...