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Garcian Smith said:

Never buy a console for future games. Look only at the present. If a console isn't worth it now, then either wait to buy it until a sufficient number of good games come out, or don't at all. Those future games could turn out to be mediocre or just bad, or they could be canceled, or whatever.

With that in mind, here's where the two HD consoles currently stand. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from it.

Notable X360 Exclusives: Halo 3; Mass Effect; Forza 2; PGR 4; DoA 4; Dead Rising; Crackdown; Ninja Gaiden 2; Saints Row; Ace Combat 6; Kameo; Eternal Sonata; Lost Odyssey
Notable X360 Console Exclusives (Also appear on PC): Bioshock; Gears of War; Tom Clancy's GRAW; Call of Duty 2; Viva Pinata; Condemned
Notable XBLA Exclusives: N+; Pac-Man Championship Edition; Marble Blast Ultra; Cloning Clyde; Switchball; Undertow; Assault Heroes 1 & 2; A whole bunch of board and card games
Other Notable Games/Versions That Don't Appear on PS3: Bully: Scholarship Edition; Rockstar Games Table Tennis; Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved; Rez HD; Ikaruga; Doom XBLA; Alien Hominid HD
Notable multiplatform games that are better on X360 than PS3: The Orange Box (Technical problems on PS3); Splinter Cell Double Agent (Not as graphically proficient); F.E.A.R. (Technical problems on PS3); Lost Planet (PS3 version graphically inferior)

Notable PS3 Exclusives: Metal Gear Solid 4 (Might as well include this); Uncharted; Ratchet & Clank: ToD; Resistance: FoM; Motorstorm; Hot Shots Golf; Heavenly Sword; GT5: Prologue; SingStar
Notable PS3 Console Exclusives: Unreal Tournament 3
Notable PSN Downloadable Exclusives: Super Stardust HD; Warhawk; PixelJunk Monsters; Everyday Shooter; Calling All Cars
Other Notable Games/Versions That Don't Appear on X360: Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: None that I can think of

 A fair enough list (if you include Munkeh111's updates). As for the last line, I will finish it for you.

Notable multiplatform games that are better on PS3 than X360: Oblivion, Dirt, DMC4, Burnout Paradise, CoD4 online play, GTA4 (all be it without the future dlc).

With that said, the list of games better on the 360 is a lot longer then the list you provided. madden and Rainbow 6 both come to mind right off.