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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 and Pricedrops

Okay, so I had been waiting till Resident Evil 5 came out before I bought an HD console, but then I realized that Soul Calibur IV comes out in late July and I might just have to kick some Jedi a** with Kilik as soon as is possible.  (Soul Calibur has always been my favorite fighting series, though Street Fighter 2 Turbo is still my favorite fighting game).

 Annnyway, I anticipate that in Mid-July E3 should make my choice between the X360 and PS3 easier because of new console exclusives and as of yet announced features (i.e. the Xmote or unrevealed Home features). However, I'd also be really pissed if I missed a pricedrop or shiny new SKU (see: blu-ray Xbox) by a month, since by my memory E3 isn't really the place they make those type of announcements and they tend to come closer to the holidays. 

What my question boils down to then is, does anyone expect any price drops before August, and, if not, how do I hold back the urge to put the beatdown on Vader with Kilik? 

 I'd also really like to wail on Raphael with Yoda.  Pls advise.

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I'm holding off also. I hate shooters/sports/realistic racers, yet 360 had many more games that I want. Also this fall more 360 than PS3 games I want are coming out. However 360 is unreliable and PS3 has blu-ray. Dunno what the future holds. If a crapload of games I like are announced for PS3 at e3, I'll get PS3. I'm kinda waitng for the holidays... if PS3 gets an $100 price cut and backwards incompatibly I'll pick it up, and if 360 gets an $100 price cut I'll be all over it. I would wait until at least E3, may be the fall. For soul calibur 4 imo the PS3 version is going to be better- Vader kicks ass!

"does anyone expect any price drops before August?"

I don´t...I think we´ll see one, from both Sony and MS, at the end of the year.

"how do I hold back the urge to put the beatdown on Vader with Kilik?"

Pick a random person in the streets and beat the crap out of him/her.

I don't expect any price drop from either side,,,,but they will show us some games ,,,watch both of their E3 events and see which game coming in near future you like more.

I have PS3 and from an entertainment point of view(game ,movies,internet browsing,watching my camera pictures on tv by inserting the SD card directly into PS3 ,sharing file(music ,video) with my other PCs and laptops in the house)the PS3 is very solid, reliable and quite console.




polezo said:

Annnyway, I anticipate that in Mid-July E3 should make my choice between the X360 and PS3 easier because of new console exclusives and as of yet announced features (i.e. the Xmote or unrevealed Home features). However, I'd also be really pissed if I missed a pricedrop or shiny new SKU (see: blu-ray Xbox) by a month, since by my memory E3 isn't really the place they make those type of announcements and they tend to come closer to the holidays. 

What my question boils down to then is, does anyone expect any price drops before August, and, if not, how do I hold back the urge to put the beatdown on Vader with Kilik?

Actually if you look back, E3 was often the place where price drops were announced.  But with the change in format, later date, and the importance of the conference in decline, I do not believe we will see a price drop at E3.  But that's just a guess.  And that's the best you're going to get from the VG community who doesn't have a very good tract record on such a subject.  Many people on here thought that a price drop would happen around the launch of GTA IV.  I did not believe so.  Guess who was right? ;)


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Ive said it before and ive said it again...a tiny pricedrop in the UK (£50) would see them sell like hotcakes

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

No, don't expect any.

There are confirmed rumors of a new chip/motherboard - Jasper due Q3

There are unconfirmed rumors of Blu Ray and the Xmote

The Xbox360 hasnt had a price cut for a LONG time, and since then they released the Falcon chipset. I would be peturbed if the Pro wasn't cut in price to between $300-320 around the same time or before the Jasper chipset.


I'm 90% positive we won't see a price cut on either console; as for Xbox bluray, this is not happening, it would push their price above or equal to sony's(they are losing in monthly sales and are currently 100$ lower). They have also kept rambling about digital distbution so I don't think Blu-ray is on their minds. The PS3's unveilings will be minmal this E3; if there is anything big, it will be something for the far off future; ditto for M$.

Not a price cut exactly, but Wal-Mart is including a $100 gift card with PS3s right now.