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Okay, so I had been waiting till Resident Evil 5 came out before I bought an HD console, but then I realized that Soul Calibur IV comes out in late July and I might just have to kick some Jedi a** with Kilik as soon as is possible.  (Soul Calibur has always been my favorite fighting series, though Street Fighter 2 Turbo is still my favorite fighting game).

 Annnyway, I anticipate that in Mid-July E3 should make my choice between the X360 and PS3 easier because of new console exclusives and as of yet announced features (i.e. the Xmote or unrevealed Home features). However, I'd also be really pissed if I missed a pricedrop or shiny new SKU (see: blu-ray Xbox) by a month, since by my memory E3 isn't really the place they make those type of announcements and they tend to come closer to the holidays. 

What my question boils down to then is, does anyone expect any price drops before August, and, if not, how do I hold back the urge to put the beatdown on Vader with Kilik? 

 I'd also really like to wail on Raphael with Yoda.  Pls advise.