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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who Else does Not enjoy online gaming?

reask said:
disolitude said:
I hated online gaming for the longest time. But then the mirracle of Street Fighter Anniversary turned me around on xbox 1.

After that cracked the ice, the floodgates opeend and I've played probably 20-30 games online actively.

Maybe you just haven't found the right game to play online yet.

Remember...there is a reason online games are not rated. All is fair in love and war...and online gaming.

the longest time i spent on online games was halo 3 and cod 4.

again i am not saying online is bad just it is very hectic and hard for someone whose time for gaming is limited.


Yeah, I understand that. I still get raped in COD4 and i dont find it that fun when I do. Halo 2 and Halo 3 are pretty similar so I was able to take my knowledge over to Halo 3 and I enjoy that very much.

I agree that if you don't have enough time to invest you may not enjoy it as there is always going to be some dude with a phd in gaming that will kill you.

It also depends on the game. COD and Halo have lots of people that are pretty skilled. On the other hand, I used to play Mario Strikers Charged online on the wii and that was like playing against infants...


Is there 1 game that you are REALLY good at? like something you've played since you were young and you love playing? If there is, try to see if that game exists for current systems these days and is online? Mortal Komabt 2 and Street Fighter 3 do the trick for me...

I probably played 10,000 matches on Street Fighter 3 online...I couldn't stop as I was winning 70% of the time.

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The older i get the more i like single player and the more simplistic my taste becomes. Online has never done it for me. I prefer a challenging CPU with a more consistent level of difficulty than i can find online. i am 27.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Depends, I have tough skin so online gaming for me does nothing but tickle.

I like it, but in some cases can do without it, I like mmorpgs and stuff that would demand you play friends (Brawl) over longer distances.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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disolitude said:
reask said:
disolitude said:
I hated online gaming for the longest time. But then the mirracle of Street Fighter Anniversary turned me around on xbox 1.

After that cracked the ice, the floodgates opeend and I've played probably 20-30 games online actively.

Maybe you just haven't found the right game to play online yet.

Remember...there is a reason online games are not rated. All is fair in love and war...and online gaming.

the longest time i spent on online games was halo 3 and cod 4.

again i am not saying online is bad just it is very hectic and hard for someone whose time for gaming is limited.


Yeah, I understand that. I still get raped in COD4 and i dont find it that fun when I do. Halo 2 and Halo 3 are pretty similar so I was able to take my knowledge over to Halo 3 and I enjoy that very much.

I agree that if you don't have enough time to invest you may not enjoy it as there is always going to be some dude with a phd in gaming that will kill you.

It also depends on the game. COD and Halo have lots of people that are pretty skilled. On the other hand, I used to play Mario Strikers Charged online on the wii and that was like playing against infants...


Is there 1 game that you are REALLY good at? like something you've played since you were young and you love playing? If there is, try to see if that game exists for current systems these days and is online? Mortal Komabt 2 and Street Fighter 3 do the trick for me...

I probably played 10,000 matches on Street Fighter 3 online...I couldn't stop as I was winning 70% of the time.

im actually ok on games i play disolitude some examples would be cod2 finished on hard; halo 3 finished on second hardest level.

online it is a different ballgame these guys whop your you know what i mean we have a gaming channel over here with online tournaments and to watch it is art in itself.

but it still comes down to the offline getting much shorter and easier i might add and i sometimes wonder is that fair if you just like chilling out now and again.

after all 70 euro a pop is not cheap.





vaio said:
I stopped liking and playing online when it was on the regular xbox, people jept disconecting when playing with me and that sucked.

When ever I played fifa on line i had to play defensive all game and score goals the last 10 min to be able to play a full match, If i didn´t do that and played as I wanted from the beggining they would disconnect before the first half was over even if they were the highest ranked players and that pissed me off so much that I gave up on the online gaming.


Online game has greatly improved this gen. I never played online last gen. In fact COD4 PS3 is the first game I ever played online. I started out sucking and getting frustrated but I was determined to be the best. To put things in perspective, last night I played in 2 free-for-all matches. In the last match on overgrown, I made 125 points first with the second player at 35 points on overgrown. I also won the first match on wet work with 125 to second at 100 and every player had a couple prestiges under their belt, one even had 10 complete prestiges. The more you play the better you get=fact! I only don't do that well on the new maps because i haven't figured out to maneuver around them yet because I don't play as much as before. Don't belive me, lets play COD4...PSN ID: Pristine20

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I love online. Human competition is so much better than any AI-controlled bot.

Or check out my new webcomic:

I don't enjoy many online games that require speed such as FPS games. Slower paced games like MMOs and MGO are better.

nothing this gen has impressed me as far as online goes...

maybe MGO will....or maybe I will have to wait till RES 2

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

rocketpig said:
I love online. Human competition is so much better than any AI-controlled bot.

I agree, especially when it comes to sports games. i can easily have won a game before half-time but when playing against someone, anything can happen. plus headsets make it much more fun, hearing how frustrated your opponent is. i'm 20, but will be 21 soon. :)


currently playing:

I personally prefer offline because I don't enough time to devote to gaming to make myself competitive. Also, for the occasions where I do manage to do well I don't enjoy being rewarded by having obscenities shouted in my ears. I guess that's why I prefer games like Bioshock and Mass Effect.


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